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Link Entity Browser Context Menu

Link Entity Browser Context Menu

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Link Entity Browser Context Menu

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In the Link Entity browser, right-click to access the context menu.

You must select one or more supported entities before using the context menu. To select multiple entities in the list, left-click an entity, press SHIFT-click and CTRL-click functionality, or using the Link Entity browser global display tool set. Once you have selected the desired entities, right-click anywhere inside the list to open the context menu. The available options are:



Find / Find with FE

The selected links and all connectors referencing them are isolated in the graphics area. The links as well as the linked connectors are highlighted in their browsers.

This Find operation considers only the realization and fit view buttons. When the realization button connectorsRealization-24 is active, Find changes to Find With FE.

Find Attached / Find Attached with FE

The selected links, all connectors referencing them, and all links referenced by these connectors are isolated in the graphics area. All the found links as well as the linked connectors are highlighted in their browsers.

This Find Attached operation considers only the realization and fit view buttons. When the realization button connectorsRealization-24 is active, Find Attached changes to Find Attached With FE.

Find Between / Find Between with FE

The selected links and connectors that link them together are isolated in the graphics area. All the found links as well as their shared connectors are highlighted in their browsers.

This Find Between operation considers only the realization and fit view buttons. When the realization button connectorsRealization-24 is active, Find Attached changes to Find Attached With FE.

Note:The definition which kind of connector is found by this action can be set in the options tab of the Link Entity Browser Configuration dialog. By default, a connector which references at minimum two of the selected links is treated as a "between" connector.


Works exactly like the action button Show. All view option button settings are considered.


Works exactly like the action button Hide. All view option button settings are considered.


Works exactly like the action button Isolate. All view option button settings are considered.

Isolate Only

Works exactly like the action button Isolate Only. All view option button settings are considered.

Column Visibility

Opens the Column Visibility dialog. Checkboxes are used to control, which columns should be shown in the browser.

Configure Browser

Opens the Link Entity Browser Configuration dialog.