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Loads on Geometry

Loads on Geometry

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Loads on Geometry

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You can apply loads to geometrical entities and map them to the FE mesh using the Load on Geom panel.  One advantage is that you can remesh a model without deleting complicated loads or boundary conditions.  After remeshing, loads or boundary conditions that have been applied to geometrical entities can be remapped to the new mesh.

You can apply loads to geometry by using the following panels: Forces, Moments, Constraints, Pressures, Temperatures, Flux, Velocities, and Accels.  These are the same panels used to apply loads to a mesh.

There are two ways to map loads on geometry to the mesh associated with this geometry (loads on mesh):

Manually, using the Load on Geom panel.
Automatically, by exporting the FE deck, using the Export tab.

The Model browser allows separate or simultaneous visualization of loads on mesh and loads on geometry.

To visualize loads on mesh and/or loads on geometry, right-click on the load in the Model browser. From the toolbar, select the Elements/Geometry element_geometry_both_button icon. This icon determines what the other buttons act on; right-click the button (or left-click the small triangular downward arrow) to reveal a drop-down menu of options.  You can select Elements, Geometry, or both.

When Elements is selected, you control the display of loads applied to elements.
When Geometry is selected, you control the display of loads applied to geometric entities.
Both means that you can control the display of both types of loads independently, and load collectors may contain one type or both types simultaneously.
Use the none, all and reverse buttons to assist in selecting which loadcols should be displayed.


Loads on mesh and loads on geometry can be displayed together (similar to the simultaneous display of both elements and geometry belonging to a specific component).

A geometrical entity can be associated with one mesh or multiple meshes (component or components) and/or with one load collector or multiple load collectors.

One load collector stores both loads on geometry and loads on mesh.  The mesh (or multiple meshes) is associated with the geometrical entities to which the loads on geometry have been applied.  Each load type is stored in a dedicated section of the same load collector.


See Also:

Load on Geom panel

HM-4040: Working with Loads on Geometry