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Mesh Quality Report

Mesh Quality Report

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Mesh Quality Report

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This feature creates an HTML mesh quality report.  The report can be generated for the current model (Mesh > Checks > Elements > Quality Report > Current Model) or multiple models (Mesh > Checks > Elements > Quality Report > Multiple Models).

The tool uses the standard HyperMesh criteria file as input.  It summarizes the Quality Index (QI) calculations, along with information on the number of elements that fall into each QI range.

A report consists of:

A single summary HTML page that gives a brief summary of several key metrics for all selected models.   This page links to pages with detailed information about the mesh quality of each model.
A directory containing HTML pages for each model.  These pages contain detailed mesh quality information.  This page contains a link to the input HyperMesh file as well as the criteria file used.


The HTML files and directory are named based on the input file and the date/time the report was generated.

The tool behaves as follows for different use cases:


Current Model

You are prompted to select the output directory where the report will be located, as well as the criteria file.

When the current model is not saved as an HM file, instead of using the HM model name in the HTML, the name CurrentModel is used.  There is no link from the detailed report to the model file, as one does not exist.


Multiple Models

You are prompted to select the output directory where the report will be located, the HyperMesh database files they want to generate the report for, and a single criteria file.  Each HyperMesh file is loaded one at a time into the current HyperMesh session, and the report is generated for each file.

The current limitation is that the HyperMesh files should not contain any special HTML characters like #.  This will prevent the HTML links from working properly.