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Mid-Mesh Thickness Behavior in Abaqus

Mid-Mesh Thickness Behavior in Abaqus

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Mid-Mesh Thickness Behavior in Abaqus

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In Abaqus, you can use the Map Mid-Mesh Thickness tool to estimate and assign a mid-mesh thickness to nodes, elements, or properties. The mid-mesh thickness behavior is very similar amongst all of the the entity types except elements. In cases of elements, table with element IDs and thicknesses are created.



Creates a single node set named HM_NodalThickness with a Nodal_Thickness card image.
You need to create a property and assign it to the selected 2D elements.
Adds the relevant nodes to the node set.
Assigns a single thickness to each node using the attribute ThicknessValue.



Creates a single table named HM_ElementThicknesss with a Nodal_Thickness card image Distribution_Table.
You need to create a property and assign it to the selected 2D elements.
Assigns a single thickness to each element using the attribute ThicknessValue.


Properties on elements

Based on the thickness, multiple properties named thickness_t with either SHELLSECTION or SHELLGENRALSECT card images are created. t is the estimated thickness value.
Creates corresponding materials and properties named thickness_t.
Note:During creation, you are able to enter a name for the property and material.
Assigns a property to the selected 2D elements.


Properties on components

All the options mentioned above, are applicable for Properties on components, except the properties are assigned to components instead of elements.