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Mid-Mesh Thickness Behavior in RADIOSS

Mid-Mesh Thickness Behavior in RADIOSS

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Mid-Mesh Thickness Behavior in RADIOSS

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In RADIOSS, you can use the Map Mid-Mesh Thickness tool to estimate and assign a mid-mesh thickness to elements only. This option requires you to select one of the following options from the Select Card Image list:

SHELL: Assigns a thickness on the thickness attribute of the /SHELL keyword for quads or on the /SH3N keyword for trias.
EPSP_F / STRA_F / STRS_F: When you select any of these options, this tool creates a table that contains element IDs and corresponding thickness information.
Note:Depending on the type of elements in your model, there may be two tables created, one for tria elements and one for quad elements. The naming convention for tria tables will be tkTable_INISH3_{optionName}_{tableIndx}, and the naming convention for quad tables will be tkTable_INISHE_{optionName}_{tableIndx}.

For example, if you select EPSP_F from the Select Card Image list, the Map Mid-Mesh Thickness tool creates and names the first table tkTable_INISH3_EPSP_F_1 and tkTable_INISHE_EPSP_F_1.