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Context Menu

Context Menu

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Context Menu

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The References browser supports its own context menu. To access the context menu, right-click on any entity. The available menu options vary based on the entity selected.

XRef Entities

applies reference on the selected entity and then updates the Reference browser with new results.


displays the selected item in the graphics area if it is currently hidden.

In cases of card images, such as contacts and boundary conditions, that do not have entities of their own but refer to another entity, namely sets, the Reference browser displays the entities (node, element) that are used in the set that is referred in the selected card image. Also, the Reference browser displays any handles, geometric representation, associated with entities.


turns off the selected item in the graphics area if it is currently visible.

In cases of card images, such as contacts or boundary conditions, that do not have entities of their own, but refers to another entity, namely sets, the entities (node, element) that are used in the set that is referred in the selected card image are hidden. Also, the Reference browser hides any handles, geometric representation, associated with entities.


displays only the selected item in the graphics area and hides all of the other items.

In cases of card images, such as contacts and boundary conditions, that do not have entities of their own but refer to another entity, namely sets, the Reference browser isolates the entities (node, element) that are used in the set that is referred in the selected card image. Also, the Reference browser shows any handles, geometric representation, associated with selected solver entity.


highlights the selected item in the graphics area and greys out all other items. This option works on all of the individual entities listed in the References browser, except at the folder level.

In cases of card images, such as contacts and boundary conditions, that do not have entities of their own but refer to another entity (namely sets), the Reference browser highlights the entities that constitute the set. The graphics area remains in that review mode until you select Reset Review.

Card Edit

opens the Card Editor, from which you can modify any editable input value fields for a selected entity. The modified fields  update in the Entity Editor and in all of the browsers.

List References

turns the display of the References folder on and off in the browser. The Reference folder contains all of the entities that are referenced by the selected entity(s). By default the References folder is displayed.

List Cross References

turns the display of the Cross References folder on and off in the browser. The Cross References folder contains entities that reference the selected entity(s). By default, the Cross References folder is displayed.

Merge Results

groups the results of the selected entities, which may be of different entity types, and lists them in the browser. By default, the Reference browser lists each entity separately in the order of its type.

Detailed View

enables you to switch between Detailed and Simplified view.