Engineering Solutions

SPH Mesh Type and Pitch

SPH Mesh Type and Pitch

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SPH Mesh Type and Pitch

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The SPH meshing tools in Engineering Solutions support three meshing methods for SPH element generation:

Simple cubic

Arranges the SPH particles into groups of 8, with each particle being a corner of a cube.

Face centered cubic (FCC)

Arranges the SPH particles into groups of 14, forming the corners and the center of each face of a cube. This method is similar to a hexagonal close packed (HCP) structure, and is recommended for use in RADIOSS models.

Node to SPH

Use this method to manually select a node and convert it into a SPH element. This method is specific to HyperMesh, and is only available in the SPH Meshing Tool when the Abaqus (Explicit) user profile is loaded.


Pitch is defined as the distance between two SPH elements, h, as shown below, for both simple cubic and face centered cubic mesh types.


Simple cubic


Face centered cubic

See Also:

SPH Mesh