Engineering Solutions

Streamlines and Tracers

Streamlines and Tracers

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Streamlines and Tracers

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The Streamlines panel allows you to generate streamlines using any available nodal or elemental vector field (typically a velocity field) and also to animate the streamlines with tracers (particle tracing). Velocity fields are directly written to H3D files by many solvers such as RADIOSS, HyperXtrude and Moldflow. Velocity fields and other scalar and vector data fields are also saved in EnSight format by most CFD solvers. HyperView has a direct reader of EnSight files, thus allowing post-processing of typical CFD results from a large class of industry practices. The EnSight file type (*.encas, *.case) is available in the Files of type drop-down menu, located in the Load Model File or Load Results File selection dialog. In addition, EnSight files produced by SC/Tetra are also able to be loaded into HyperView by selecting this file type from the drop-down menu located in the Reader Options dialog.  

To access the Streamlines panel, in HyperView, click the resultsStreamlines-24icon on the Results toolbar, or select Results > Create > Streamlines from the menu bar. The two tabs Streamlines and Tracers on the right side of this panel can be used to define the settings.  


Streamlines panel

See Also:

Saving EnSight Files with FLUENT

CFD EnSight Reader