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Overview of Catalog File Elements and Attributes

Overview of Catalog File Elements and Attributes

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Overview of Catalog File Elements and Attributes

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Catalog File Display

The Task browser reads in a catalog file and displays it in a tree view. The following example shows a catalog file named Neuberisation:




Catalog File Script

The following is the script for the Neuberisation catalog file:


<HWAutomate Version="1">

   <Register Path="8_hyperview/Neuber/tasks" />


   <Domain Name="Demo">

       <Group Name="HyperView">

           <Category Name="Neuberisation">

               <Task Name="Result" />

               <Task Name="Neuber" />

               <Task Name="ExportH3d" />

               <Process Name="Neuberisation" Path="8_hyperview/Neuber/process/Neuberisation.prs" />






       <DataType Name="Demo::DemoResult" Path="8_hyperview/Neuber/datatypes/Results.tcl"/>





Elements and Attributes of a Catalog XML File

Catalog File


Valid Type

Function of the XML Attribute Type


Path= “8_hyperview/Neuber/tasks”


Specifies the folder where the task files resides. This is a relative path from where the catalog file is placed.

In this example the task folder is located in the directory 8_hyperview/Neuber/tasks relative to the catalog file.


Note: The catalog file hwwftrainingcatalog.xml is at the same level as 8_hyperview, and the tasks folder is located under 8_hyperview/neuber/.


name= “Demo”


Provides a directory level to categorize a group of tasks. An example of domain is Durabity or NVH.


In this example the Name is Demo.


name= “HyperView”


Provides a directory level to categorize a group of tasks under Domain. An example of Group under Durability would be Signal Processing.


In this example the Name is HyperView


name= “Neuberisation”


Provides a logical grouping and display of tasks under Category. An example Category under Durability / Signal Processing is “Math” which would contain all the math tasks related to Durability such as rainflow, peak valley extraction, and so on.

In this example the name defined is Neuberisation.


name= “Neuber”

Task defined in the .tsk file

References the attribute name  as defined in the task (.tsk) file.


Name= ”Demo::DemoResult”


Assigns a default value to the variable.

In this example the variable name is assigned a default value of “ADD”.


Path= ”8_hyperview/Neuber/process/Neuberisation.prs”


Specifies the path where the process file resides. This is a relative path from where the catalog file is placed.

In this example the process file is placed in 8_hyperview/Neuber/process/Neuberisation.prs relative to the catalog file.


Note: The catalog file hwwftrainingcatalog.xml is at the same level as 8_hyperview, and the process file is under 8_hyperview/Neuber/process/Neuberisation.prs.


Name= ”Neuberisation”


This is the name displayed in the process browser.


Path= ”8_hyperview/Neuber/datatypes/Results.tcl”




Specifies the path where the datatype file resides. This is a relative path from where the catalog file is placed.

In this example the process file is placed 8_hyperview/Neuber/datatypes/Results.tcl relative to catalog file.

Note: The catalog file hwwftrainingcatalog.xml is at the same level as 8_hyperview, and the datatype file is under 8_hyperview/Neuber/datatypes/Results.tcl.