
Compare Time History

Compare Time History

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Compare Time History

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The Compare Time History diagnostic tool consists of two pages.  On the first page, the input data files, such as plot, result, and FE files, are selected. Page two contains the data needed to compare the reference files and comparison files.

hmtoggle_plus1greyInput data files - page one


Time History Compare diagnostic tool - page one

Load Model and Results

The diagnostic tool supports two solvers, Radioss and LsDyna.  From the File Type drop-down list, select the type of solver files to be compared.

Reference Files

From this section, select the plot file (Time History File), FE (model) File and Result File.  The plot file is mandatory.

Comparison Files

From this section, select the plot file (Time History File) and Result File.  The plot file is mandatory.


Click the add button to add more than one set of comparison files (time history and result files).


To delete a single set of comparison files, activate the check box for the set of files you want to remove and click the single delete button.



To delete all comparison file entries from the GUI, activate the check boxes for all comparison file sets and click the delete all button.


After selecting the input files, click Load.  A page is added to the session and three windows are created on the same page.

The first window is a HyperGraph window.

HyperMesh is loaded into the second window.  If a model file is specified, the FE model is loaded.

HyperView is loaded into the third window.  If result files (Reference Comparison files) are specified, those are loaded into the HyperView window.


Click Load Defaults to select the model compare default (*.def) files.

In this case, you do not need to select the files individually through the application.

A sample def file is shown below:



Click Next to go to the page tool of the Compare Time History tool.


Click Close to close the tool.

hmtoggle_plus1greyComparing data - page two


Time History Compare diagnostic tool - page two

Result Type

From the Result Type drop-down list, select the Y-Types available for the reference file specified on page one.

Result Request

From the list provided, select single or multiple Y-Requests for comparison.

Click select_all_icon to select all of the elements listed.

Click select_none_filter to clear all of your current selections.

Click reverse_selection_filter to select the reverse of the currently selected items.


Click compare_timehist_show to dislay the item in the graphics area. This selection affects each item’s local display control.

You can also use this on the entire folder. In such cases, this shows all of the items within that folder (all components for example, etc.).

Click compare_timehist_hide to turn off the item in the graphics area. This selection affects each item’s local display control.

You can also use this on the entire folder. In such cases, this hides all of the items within that folder (all components for example, etc.).

Click compare_timehist_isolate to works locally within a specific entity type. For example, if Component(s) are isolated, then all display states of other displayable entities (such as Systems) remain untouched. Isolate displays only the selected entities, turning their display state to on, and turning all other entities of the same type off.


Click clientHyperGraph-24 to display selected plots in the HyperGraph window.  If you do not want to see the plots on the graphics, deselect the button.  This button is on by default.

Click clientHyperView-24 to display selected entities from the list box in a HyperView window.  If you do not want to see the entities on the graphics, deselect the button.  This button is on by default.

Click clientHyperMesh-24 to display selected entities from list box in a HyperMesh window.  If you do not want to see the entities on the graphics, deselect the button.  This button is on by default.

Right-click on an element listed to display the context sensitive menu:


Compare > At max Value

Compare > Every Time Step

exp-button - Click the expansion button to undock the request list box from the GUI.

Result Component

From the drop-down list, select a Y-Component.  The list is automatically updated upon selecting items from the Y-Requests list box, with respect to the Y-Type selected.

Threshold Limit

Compare All

To compare the reference file data with comparison file data, input a threshold value.

Click Compare All to compare the data.  The following dialog is displayed:


Choose from one of the following options, then click Compare:

Compare All: At Max Value

Compare All: At every Time Instance

Comparison Results

A tree structure is displayed, if any number of y-requests violate the threshold limit values while comparing.



Click select_all_icon to select all of the root-children present in the compared results.

Click select_none_filter to deselect all of the root-children present in the compared results.

Click reverse_selection_filter to reverse the selected root-children present in the compared results.

Parts missing in comparison file

The files displayed are the Y-Requests missing from the comparison file when compared to the Y-Requests in reference file.


Click the Back button to go back to page one.

Save Defaults

Click Save Defaults to save the data from pages one and two.

Note: To save the Y-requests in the default file, select the items from request list box.

The first time you click Save Defaults for same session, the tool prompts you for a file location to save the *.def file.

Clicking on the button a second time displays the following dialogue:


Click Yes to append the DEF file.

If you click No, it will prompt you to save a new DEF file.

Load Defaults

Click Load Defaults to load a *.def file from the file browser window.


Click Close to close the tool.

How do I...

hmtoggle_plus1Compare files:
1.On page 1, select all the reference files and comparison files.
2.Click Load.
3.Page 2 is displayed after the files are loaded into their respective client windows.
4.Select required result type.
5.Select the items in result request list box.
6.Select result component.
7.Right-click on result request list box.

If you want to compare selected y-requests for At max Value or Every Time Step, click accordingly.


If you want to compare all of the y-type and all of the respective y-requests with the corresponding y-components, click Compare All > At max Value or Every Time Step.

Click Isolate to isolate selected requests from list box in HyperGraph, HyperView and HyperMesh, depending on the options highlighted for graphics display.

Click Show in HyperMesh for selected requests from the list box in HyperGraph, HyperView and HyperMesh, entities can be seen depending on the buttons clicked for graphics display.

Click Hide to hide selected requests from list box in HyperGraph, HyperView and HyperMesh, depending on the buttons clicked for graphics display.

hmtoggle_plus1Compare files with Load Default option:
1.Click the Load Default button.
2.Use the file browser to find the required DEF file.
3.Sample DEF files:

Sample DEF file 1: Model file or result files may or may not be mentioned.  For comparisons, plot files are mandatory.


Sample DEF file 2: If Result-type mentioned is All, the tool compares all the result types with the respective result requests and result components.


Sample def file 3: This sample DEF file compares multiple comparison files with one reference file.


hmtoggle_plus1Work with compared results:
1.After comparing the requests, the requests violating the threshold limit are displayed in the Comparison Results Tree.


2.Right-click on the compared results to display the context-sensitive menu.


Collapse All: Click to collapse the tree and display the main-parent items only.
Expand All: Click to expand all items and view the hierarchy.
Isolate: Depending on display option chosen for HyperGraph, HyperView and HyperMesh, selected items (result requests) are isolated on the graphics.
Show:  Depending on the display option chosen for HyperGraph, HyperView and HyperMesh, selected items (result requests) are displayed on the graphics.
Hide: Depending on the display option chosen for HyperGraph, HyperView and HyperMesh, selected items (result requests) are hidden on the graphics.
Delete Table: Click to delete all the data in the table.  The tree will be empty.