
HG3D-2020: Querying Data for Surface Plots

HG3D-2020: Querying Data for Surface Plots

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HG3D-2020: Querying Data for Surface Plots

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

Query data from the surface plot
Create and use datum planes


The Coordinate Info panel can be accessed one of the following ways:

On the toolbar, click the Coordinate Info icon curvesInfo-24


From the menu bar, select Curves > Coordinate Info

The Coordinate Info panel allows you to retrieve individual point data on any curve in the active window.  When a point on a curve is selected, the point data is displayed on the panel. Using the coordinate info panel you can retrieve data from three curve types: 3D line, surface, and waterfall.  The panel options change depending on the curve in the active window.


The Datum Planes panel can be accessed by:

Clicking the Datum Planes iconcurvesDatumPlane3D-24from the toolbar


From the menu bar, select Curves > Datum Planes.


The Datum Planes panel allows you to insert reference datum planes to plots.

Exercise:  Querying Surface Plots

Step 1: Open Session File Curve_Attributes_Surface.mvw

1.From the menu bar, select File > Open > Session.
2.Select the file Curve_Attributes_Surface.mvw and click Open.


Step 2: Query XYZ Values Using the Coordinate Info Panel

1.Click on the Coordinate Info icon curvesInfo-24.

Note that a bubble with the XYZ values is seen in the graphics area.

2.Click on the surface to see the XYZ values at that point.

Note that the panel area displays the XYZ values of the point chosen.

3.Click Add Row to add an additional row.
4.Click on another point on the surface.

The value in the newly added row is updated to that of the new point.

5.Repeat the operation to build a table.


6.Click on any one of the rows in the table and then click Remove Row.
7.Click Export Table… and save the table as a DAT file.

Step 3: Using Datum Planes as Reference Planes

1.Click the Datum Planes panel icon curvesDatumPlane3D-24.
2.Verify that the Position tab is active and the radio button for Reference Plane is checked.
3.Click Add to add a datum plane as a reference plane.

By default a reference plane is created in the Z plane.

4.Move the slider bar in the panel area so as to move the reference plane along the Z plane.


5.Click on the buttons horizontal_x_axis_icon horizontal_y_axis_icon to change the orientation of the plane along the X and Y axis respectively.
6.Click on the button three_points_icon to create a plane with three points of your choice.


7.Enter 1 for the X, Y, and Z axis, respectively, under Location.

You can also pick three points from the screen.

8.Click Apply.
9.Click hwd_bmp00428 hwd_bmp00431 to move the reference plane to the maximum and minimum point in the surface plots, respectively
10.Click on the arrows first_last_button to move to the next/previous point or to the local maximum/ local minimum along the X and Y axis.

Step 4: Using Datum Planes as Clipping Planes and Plotting Cross Section.

1.Create a Reference plane parallel to the Z-axis by selecting Rotate plane about X.  Move the slider bar to position the datum plane in the middle of the surface plot.
2.Check the radio button for Clipping Plane to make it active.
3.Activate Transparency.

The clipped part of the surface plot appears transparent on the screen.

4.Move the slider bar and note the change in the clipping area from the screen.


5.Turn the Transparency option off.
6.Click the Create XY Plot tab.
7.Verify that the option for Place curve on is set to New plot.
8.Set Create curve: to Y vs Z.
9.Click on Plot Data.


10.Click the Position tab.
11.Move the slider bar to update the position of the clipping plane.

The plot updates simultaneously.

12.Click the plot window to make it active.
13.Click on the Fit button fit_icon to fit the plot to the window.

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