In this tutorial, you will learn how to
• | Use the Data Query panel for Waterfall plots |
• | Plot the orders in the HyperGraph window |
The Data Query panel can be accessed in one of the following ways:
• | Click on Data Query panel icon, |
• | Select Data Query from the Curves menu |
The Data Query panel uses vertical cutting surfaces for viewing and plotting non-planer cross sections. Surfaces can be defined by math expressions, specifying orders, and selecting points on the waterfall plot or 3-D surface plot.
Exercise: Querying Waterfall Plots
Step 1: Open Session File trimmer.mvw and create HyperGraph 3D window
1. | From the File menu, click Open. |
2. | Select the file trimmer.mvw, located in the 3dplotting folder, and click Open. |
3. | Click Close on the message log that appears. |
4. | Click on the Add Page button to add a page. |
5. | From the Select Application menu, select HyperGraph 3D. |
Step 2: Create a Frequency versus Time waterfall plot
1. | Click on the Waterfall icon on the toolbar to enter the panel. |
2. | Verify that Frequency and Time are the options set under Plot Type:. |
3. | Click the curve selection icon in the Response Field for Data Curves:. |
4. | Choose the Force vs Time – Raw curve. |
6. | Verify that the curve referenced under Response is p1w2c1. |
7. | Enter 100 for Number under Waterfall Slices. |
8. | Check the Contour waterfall option. |
Step 3: Creating Cut Lines Using the Data Query Panel.
1. | Click the Data Query icon, . |
2. | Click Add n from the panel area. |
3. | Select the RPM vs Time – Raw for Input and Time Vector. |
4. | Enter 1 – 6, for the Order List. |
5. | Check the Input vector is in RPM checkbox. |
Step 4: Plotting the orders in HyperGraph Windows.
1. | From the Data Query panel, click All next to the order list. |
2. | Change Layout: to One plot per cut. |
3. | Select the Two-Window Layout from the layout options in the Data Query panel. |
4. | Set the Create curve: options to Y-Axis Vs Z-Axis. |
5. | Click Preview to preview the curves in a pop-up window. |
6. | Click Plot Data to create the curves. |
7. | Go to the Waterfall panel. |
8. | Select RPM vs time for the Response field. |
Note that the plots in HyperGraph windows have been updated.
Step 5: Creating a new order and positioning them
1. | Return to Data Query panel. |
2. | Click Add under Order List. |
3. | Left-click on an order in the Waterfall Plot to set its location. |
Note that the location of the new order is shown in the Order list in the panel.
4. | Select Order 1 from the Order list and repeat the previous step. |
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