In this tutorial, you will learn how to create surface plots.
The Define Curves panel can be accessed one of the following ways:
• | On the toolbar, click the Define Curves panel icon |
• | From the menu bar, select Curves > Define Curves |
The Define Curves panel enables you to create new Surface plots. New data can be mathematically defined using the program's curve calculator, or entered as values.
Step 1: Creating a Surface Plot from a math expression
1. | From the menu bar, select File > New > Session. |
2. | Click on the Define Curves icon to access the panel. |
3. | Select Surface from the pull down menu. |
4. | Click Add under the Surface list. A surface labeled Surface1 is added to the list. |
5. | In the text box rename Surface 1 as Math_Surface and press ENTER. |
The new name is now displayed in the list and in the legend.
6. | Verify that the Source type is set to Math. |
7. | Under Vector: click All. |
10. | Set Z to sin(x) + cos(y). |
11. | Click OK to close the window. |
12. | Click Apply to create the surface plot. |
Step 2: Saving the Session as session file Curve_Attributes_Surface.mvw
1. | From the menu bar, select File > Save As > Session. |
2. | Name the file as Curve_Attributes_Surface.mvw. |
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