
HG-1011: Perform Math on Curves Using the Plot Browser

HG-1011: Perform Math on Curves Using the Plot Browser

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HG-1011: Perform Math on Curves Using the Plot Browser

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In this tutorial you will learn how to use the Plot Browser to perform the following tasks:

Perform math on a single curve in the Define Curves panel without creating duplicate curves
Apply this math to all other curves in the session via the Plot Browser


The HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser resides on a tab in the Tab Area sidebar and allows you to view the HyperGraph 2D plot structure.


The Plot Browser can be turned on or off using the View > Browsers > HyperGraph 2D > Plot menu options.  A check mark indicates that the HyperGraph 2D Plot Browser is activated for display in the Tab Area.

You can use the Plot Browser tools to search, display and edit entities and their properties within the current session.

From the Define Curves panel, you can edit existing curves and create new ones.  To edit a curve, it must first be selected either from the curve list or picked from the window.

The X,Y, U, and V vectors are displayed at the top of the Define Curves panel.  The data sources for these vectors are displayed in the text fields.  Click the radio button for a vector or click in the corresponding text box to select that vector for editing.  In addition to the traditional X and Y vectors, you can perform math on curves prior to plotting your data with the support of u and v vectors.  As a result, only one curve is generated in the session, whereas in the older versions of HyperGraph, this could not be done without an initial curve.

To use math as a data source, from the Define Curves panel, select Source > Math.



Exercise: Perform Math on a Single Curve

Step 1: Open Session File demo_browser.mvw.

1.From the File menu click Open > Session.
2.From the plotting folder, select the demo_browser.mvw file and click Open.

Step 2: Use the Define Curves panel to apply an SAE filter to a curve.

1.From the toolbar, select the Define Curves icon, curvesCreate-24.
2.Activate the x= radio button.
3.Under Source, select Math.
4.In the x= field, enter u.  This applies the u vector to the x vector.
5.Click Apply.
6.Activate the y= radio button.
7.Under Source, select Math.
8.In the y= field, enter v.  This applies the v vector attributes to the y vector.
9.Click Apply.

You can now apply math to the y vector.

10.For the y vector, remove the v vector you entered in step 8.
11.With your cursor in the y= field, click Functions....
12.From the Functions dialog, select saefilt95 and click OK.


13.The saefilt95 function takes six arguments: vector1, vector2, scalar1, scalar2, scalar3, scalar4.
14.Enter the following text in the function: saefilt95(u,v,60,20,3) and click Apply.
15.The result is a corrupt curve.  This is because the function expects the time to be in seconds, and our curve is in milliseconds.


16.To correct this, you must apply the time vector by 0.001. Enter the following in the y= field: saefilt95(u*0.001,v,60,20,3).

The result is a properly filtered curve:


Step 3: Apply the math performed in Step 2 to all other curves in the session via the Plot Browser.

In this step, you will apply the filter defined in Step 2 to all curves in the session using the Plot Browser.

1.From the Define Curves panel, highlight the y vector filter you added in step 1 and press CTRL+C to copy it.
2.From the Plot Browser, select the Curves icon from the top of the browser.  This filters the session information so that only the curve information is displayed in the Plot Browser.
3.Expand the folders for page 1 (p1: Angular Acceleration) and window 1 (w1:XY Plot) by clicking the plus button next to each folder.
4.As shown below, right-click on the y vector and select Select All.


All y vectors in the session are selected.

5.Go to the Properties Table at the bottom of the Plot Browser.
6.From the Source drop-down menu, select Math.
7.Notice that all the curves in the graphics area disappear, except for the curve we have already filtered on the Define Curves panel.


8.Click in the Expression field and paste the filter you copied from the Define Curves panel and press ENTER.

All curves in the session now contain the same filter and math.


9.It is not required, but you can also apply math to the x vector.  Similar to the steps above, right-click on the x vector from the Plot Browser and select Select All to select all x vectors in the session.
10.From the Source drop-down menu, select Math.
11.In the Expression field, enter u.

Now all vectors in the session have the same math.


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