
Templex Curve Names

Templex Curve Names

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Templex Curve Names

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Within HyperWorks Desktop, Templex metadata can be used at any time.  This metadata can be used in page titles, notes, headers, footers, axes or any other location where Templex is supported.  Some of the Templex metadata can be found in the curve attributes of HyperGraph.  For example:


In locations (curve name, datum max, and notes, for example) where the page and window options are not needed, you can simplify the expression to include only the vector:


To enable/disable the Templex statement option from the HyperGraph 2D Tools menu, select the Templex Curve Names option.  From the sub-menu, select one of the following options:

Enable - Displays the curve name in the Templex format.
Disable - Displays the curve name in its evaluated form.