HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Spheres Panel

Spheres Panel

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Spheres Panel

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Location:   2D page


Use the Spheres panel to create a spherical surface and/or mesh.



Creating a full spherical surface


Center is selected.


The sphere is created.



Using the four points option


Nodes are selected.


The sphere is created.



Using the user-controlled option


Points are selected.


The sphere is created.



Subpanels and Inputs

The Spheres panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:

hmtoggle_arrow1Full Sphere

Panel Inputs




Select a point for the center of the sphere.

meshing options

mesh, keep surf: creates a surface from the selected entities and then generates a mesh on the created surface.  The created surface is retained along with the mesh.
mesh, dele surf: creates a surface from the selected entities and then generates a mesh on the created surface.  The created surface is then deleted and only the corresponding mesh is retained.
mesh w/o surf: This option creates a mesh between the selected entities using linear interpolation without creating a surface.
surface only: creates a surface from selected entities, but does not create a mesh.  You can use the resulting surface to perform any desired geometry cleanup functions or automeshing.


Enter the value for the radius of the sphere.


hmtoggle_arrow1Four Points

Panel Inputs



node list

Select a point for the center of the sphere.

meshing options

mesh, keep surf: creates a surface from the selected entities and then generates a mesh on the created surface.  The created surface is retained along with the mesh.
mesh, dele surf: creates a surface from the selected entities and then generates a mesh on the created surface.  The created surface is then deleted and only the corresponding mesh is retained.
mesh w/o surf: This option creates a mesh between the selected entities using linear interpolation without creating a surface.
surface only: creates a surface from selected entities, but does not create a mesh.  You can use the resulting surface to perform any desired geometry cleanup functions or automeshing.  


hmtoggle_arrow1User Controlled

Panel Inputs




Select a point for the center of the sphere.


Pick the nodes that represent the point.


Pick the nodes that represent the point.

angle type

The angle type determines how the angle node orients the sphere.

theta: zero degrees for theta starts on the vector created by center to angle and theta spins in the plane created by center, r, and angle.  Theta follows the right-hand rule, and starts at the normal of the plane created by the three selected nodes.

Phi: follows the right-hand rule.  Phi follows the vector created by center to r and spins in the plane created by center, r, and angle.

meshing options

mesh, keep surf: creates a surface from the selected entities and then generates a mesh on the created surface.  The created surface is retained along with the mesh.
mesh, dele surf: creates a surface from the selected entities and then generates a mesh on the created surface.  The created surface is then deleted and only the corresponding mesh is retained.
mesh w/o surf: This option creates a mesh between the selected entities using linear interpolation without creating a surface.
surface only: creates a surface from selected entities, but does not create a mesh.  You can use the resulting surface to perform any desired geometry cleanup functions or automeshing.  


hmtoggle_arrow1Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels:




Creates the sphere.


Reverts the most recent changes.


Exits the panel.




See Also:

An Alphabetical List of HyperMesh Panels