HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Grid Labels Panel

Grid Labels Panel

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Grid Labels Panel

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Location:   Post page – xy plots panel


Use the Grid Labels panel to edit the grid labels on the x and y axes of a plot.  It allows you to change the font and color of the grid tic marks.  You can select the format of the grid labels: automatically calculated, exponential, or a user-specified, fixed decimal point.  You can also specify the level of precision to be used in the grid labels.


Subpanels and Inputs

There are no subpanels on the Grid Labels panel. All inputs and command buttons are located on the main panel.


Panel Inputs



plot =

Click inside the text box to reveal a list of all plots in the model, then select the desired plot.

plots (collector)

Use this collector to select the desired plots from the graphics area.  This is an alternative to using the plot= input.

tic color

Pick a color to draw the labels.

(font option switch)

Choose the font to display labels in.

x: auto / fixed / exponential

Determines the scale factor for the X axis.

y: auto / fixed / exponential

Determines the scale factor for the X axis.

precision =

Separate precision = text boxes exist for the x and y axes.  This is the number of decimal places to use in the grid label.


Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear:




updates the selected plot(s) to use the current settings.


exits the panel.



See Also:

An Alphabetical List of HyperMesh Panels

An Alphabetical List of HyperForm Panels