HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Dummy Positioning / Joint dof Panel

Dummy Positioning / Joint dof Panel

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Dummy Positioning / Joint dof Panel

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Location:   Analysis page – Safety module


Use the Dummy Positioning / Joint dof panel to rotate the dummy assemblies or specify the position of the H-Point of a dummy assembly. The dummy database must be organized as a tree structure.



FTSS/Arup FE dummies for Dyna3D

The Dyna3D keyword import translator detects the use of an FTSS/Arup dummy and builds the required tree structure automatically.

When the import process is complete, the dummy should be ready for positioning immediately.


PAM CRASH 2G dummies

Altair provides an external translator that converts a GENERIS tree file into HyperMesh commands.  After importing the dummy, you need to run this command file once to establish the required tree structure in HyperMesh.


Other dummy models/mechanical systems

The Dummy Positioning panel works for any FE mechanical system (comprised of joints and local coordinate systems) as long as the appropriate tree structure exists.  If the tree structure does not already exist in the system of interest, you can use the Systems panel to create the necessary references.

This function requires a template file.


Subpanels and Inputs

The Dummy Positioning/Joint Dof panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:


Use the Incremental subpanel to rotate an assembly about the coordinate system specified in the tree structure. In this panel, you have an option to rotate about the child or the parent system. The min stop and max stop angles for the x, y, z, axis associated with the joint are retrieved from the dummy database. When the minimum and maximum angles are reached, the assembly is not allowed to rotate any further.


Panel Inputs



entity selector

Use this button to select comps or multibodies.

rotate: child / parents

When rotating the assembly, this determines whether to rotate around the child or parent system.


Enter the amount by which to increment the angle between stops.

x / y / z rot

To rotate the dummy to the min stop or max stop of the x-axis, y-axis, or z-axis, click the corresponding symbols, << or >>.

min stop

The min stop angle for the x, y, z, axis associated with the joint is retrieved from the dummy database.  When the minimum angle is reached, the assembly is not allowed to rotate any further.


The current position.

max stop

The max stop angle for the x, y, z, axis associated with the joint is retrieved from the dummy database.  When the maximum angle is reached, the assembly is not allowed to rotate any further.



Use the H-Point subpanel to position the dummy to the H-Point or rotate the entire dummy about the H-Point. For positioning, you can specify either the coordinates or a node for the new H-Point. For rotating, specify the axis of rotation and the angle. In either case, picking any component in the dummy is sufficient.


Panel Inputs



entity selector

Use this button to select comps or multibodies.

position: coordinate / point - node

Enter the coordinate values or select the node at which you want the H-point located.

rotate selector

Specify the plane or axis around which to rotate


Specify the amount to rotate.


hmtoggle_arrow1Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels:




Positions the dummy.


Rejects the current selection.

rotate + / rotate -

Rotate the component in the positive or negative direction.


Exits the panel.


Note:Do not use the Rotate panel in the Tools panel to rotate the dummy.  Doing so corrupts the tree structure and produces incorrect results when you reposition the dummy.



See Also:

An Alphabetical List of HyperMesh Panels