HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Surface Transparency Panel

Surface Transparency Panel

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Surface Transparency Panel

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Location:   Visualization toolbar, Geometry Transparency icon visualizationTransparency-24 (or <ctrl>+<t>).


Use the Surface Transparency panel to set the transparency level for the surfaces of selected components.  A single transparency value between 0 and 10 can be applied to all the selected components using the slider bar.  0 represents opaque and 10 represents completely transparent (invisible surface shading).  The transparency value and the list of components it should be applied to are stored in the database file.



This transparency is only applied to surfaces.

Even though you are allowed to set transparency while surface visual mode is not shaded (vis opts 3), its effects can only be seen in shaded mode.
If you set the transparency to 10, it may create confusion by giving the illusion that you are in geometry visual mode 2 (topology lines).
Transparency affects only the display and does not affect selection.  You can pick a completely or partially transparent surface and place nodes or perform geometry cleanup operations on that surface.
While importing a database file into an existing model, the transparency settings of the model that currently exists in the session (not the one imported) is honored.



See Also:

HM-2010: Generating a Midsurface

Visualization Toolbar

An Alphabetical List of HyperMesh Panels