HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Load Collectors Panel

Load Collectors Panel

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Load Collectors Panel

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Location:   Load Collectors toolbar button


Load collectors contain the loads applied to entities, such as pressures, fluxes, or forces.

Note:You can always set the current collector from the right-click menu of collector in the Model browser.


Subpanels and Inputs

The Load Collectors panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:


Panel Inputs



loadcol name =

Either click the button to select from a list of existing load collectors, or type in a name for a new collector.


Click this button to open a standard color palette and pick the desired color for the collector.

card image = /
no card image /
same as

Choose between card image=, no card image, or card image same as.

If you pick card image=, click the card image= button to pick the desired card image.
If you pick card image same as, click the card image same as button to select a collector that already uses the desired card image.



Panel Inputs




Use this entity selector to pick the load collector that you wish to edit.


Click this button to open a standard color palette and pick the desired color for the collector.

card image = /
no card image /
same as

Choose between card image=, no card image, or card image same as.

If you pick card image=, click the card image= button to pick the desired card image.
If you pick card image same as, click the card image same as button to select a collector that already uses the desired card image.


hmtoggle_arrow1Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels:




Create the new collector.


Create the new collector and immediately open the card editor in edit mode.


update the selected collector to use the specified color and card image settings.


update the selected collector to use the specified color and card image settings, and open the card editor in edit mode.


Undo any changes made to the collector.

Note:This will only work as long as you do not exit the panel--once you leave the panel, the changes become permanent.


Exit the panel.