HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Component Collectors Panel

Component Collectors Panel

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Component Collectors Panel

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Use the Component Collectors panel to create and update components. Components act as containers for mesh elements, connectors, or geometry entities; mesh and geometry must be contained within a component, and components can be grouped into assemblies.  For example, in a model of a car you might have the lines, surfaces, and so on of the hood panel grouped into a component, which in turn can be grouped along with components for the front quarter-panels, bumper, etc. into a "front-end" assembly.


Subpanels and Inputs

The Component Collectors panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:


Panel Inputs



comp name

Enter a name for the new collector, or click the entry field twice to select from a list of existing collectors.


Choose the desired color for the collector.

card image

Pick the desired card image to apply to the collector (you must have a valid user profile active):

Choose card image = to select a specific card image.
Choose same as to select an existing collector that already uses the card image you want the new collector to use.
Choose no card image to create the collector without an assigned card image.


Use the switch to choose between property = and no property (assigning no property to the component)

If you picked property =, click the property = button and select the desired property.

This assigns a card image and material to the component.


Use the switch to choose between material = and no material (assigning no material to the component)



Panel Inputs




Select from a list of existing collectors.


Choose the desired color for the collector.

card image

Pick the desired card image to apply to the collector (you must have a valid user profile active):

Choose card image = to select a specific card image.
Choose same as to select an existing collector that already uses the card image you want the new collector to use.
Choose no card image to create the collector without an assigned card image.


Use the switch to choose between property = and no property (assigning no property to the component)

If you picked property =, click the property = button and select the desired property.

This assigns a card image and material to the component.


Use the switch to choose between material = and no material (assigning no material to the component)



Panel Inputs




Use this selector to pick the components that you wish to assign properties or materials to.

property = /

material =

Use the switch to pick the type of attribute you wish to assign to the selected components.  The options available may vary depending on the current solver profile.

Next, click the label button to access a list of available properties or materials, and select the ones you wish to assign.


hmtoggle_arrow1Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels:




Create the new component.


Create the collector and immediately edit its card image.

create prop

When updating a component, in order to assign a property to the component you must also click the create prop button.

create mat

When updating a component, in order to assign a material to the component you must also click the create mat button.


Update the selected components with the specified color, card image, properties or materials.


Update the collector and immediately edit its card image.


Clear all card images from the selected components.


Assign the selected materials or properties to the chosen components.


Clear the selected materials or properties from the chosen components.


Undo an assignment.


Exit the panel.