Modifying curves is very similar to modifying plots. The following curve attributes may be changed in the Curve Attribs panel.
curve title |
The curve title is displayed in the legend. |
curve width |
The width of line used when the curve is drawn. HyperMesh currently supports either thick or thin lines. |
curve style |
The style of line used to draw the curve. HyperMesh currently supports a solid line, no line at all, and four different patterns. |
curve color |
The color used to draw the curve. HyperMesh currently supports 15 standard colors. |
curve marker |
Determines the markers drawn around each data point in the curve, when the curve is displayed. HyperMesh currently supports circular, triangular, and square markers. The curve may also be displayed with no markers shown. |
x scale factor |
This scale factor is used to scale the x values in a curve. |
y scale factor |
This scale factor is used to scale the y values in a curve. |
See Also: