HyperMesh and BatchMesher

HM-4070: OptiView

HM-4070: OptiView

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HM-4070: OptiView

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In this tutorial, you will:

Import an optimization model
Create a new set of optimization entities
Organize these into optimization problems
Run both problems
View results


Model Files

This exercise uses the cclip.fem file, which can be found in the hm.zip file. Copy the file(s) from this directory to your working directory.



Step 1: Launch HyperMesh and set the user profile to OptiStruct.

Step 2: Import the cclip.fem file.

1.Select Import Solver Deck fileImportSolver-16 from the Standard toolbar.
2.Select OptiStruct for the File type.
3.Click the Open_Buttonin the File line to browse to <installation_directory>\tutorial\hm\ and select cclip.fem.
4.Click Import to open the file.

Step 3: Create Problem 1 and organize optimization entities.

1.In the Model browser, click tabOptimization-24(Optimization View).
2.Review the Optimization Repository. The Optimization Repository gives an overview of all optimization related entities in the database.  Info types and children entities help give a clear snapshot without having to review individual entities.


Figure 1

3.Right-click the Optimization Problems folder and click Create > Optimization Problem. HyperMesh creates an optimization problem and opens it in the Entity Editor.
4.In the Entity Editor, name this problem Topology.
5.Drag and drop all the entities from the repository into the newly created problem.
Note:You can drag and drop entities from the repository into problems or problems into problems. Any combination of selected entities can be dragged and dropped.

Step 4: Define a new set of optimization entities.

1.In the Model browser, right-click and select Create > Free Size Desvar from the context menu. The Free Size Optimization panel opens, from which you can define a free size design variable.

Tip:        Give the free size design variable a meaningful name so you can easily drag and drop.

2.Use the props selector to select the shells property.
3.You can create new response/constraint pairs, or anything else you want to change from problem to problem. For this tutorial, we will just compare Topology to Free Size.

Step 5: Create Problem 2 and organize optimization entities.

1.In the Model browser, right-click and select Create > Optimization Problem from the context menu.
2.In the Entity Editor, name this problem Free Size.
3.Drag and drop all the entities defined in the repository to the newly created problem.

Note: Two design variables will be defined for the Free Size problem.

4.In the Free Size folder, right-click on the shell design variable and select Remove from Problem from the context menu.
Note:This will not delete the problem from the repository.

Step 6: Set problems to export and run.

1.In the Model browser, right-click on the Topology problem and select Set Export from the context menu.
Note:Once problems are defined, only one can be exported at a time. The problem set to export is in bold, and furthermore, the Entity State browser shows these rules.
2.Open the OptiStruct panel.
3.Set the export options to custom.
4.Save the input file as cclip_topology.fem.
5.Click OptiStruct to run the analysis.
Note:The Optimization View allows one .hm for all optimization problems, and it is up to the user to wisely name each input file.



See Also:

HyperMesh Tutorials