The OptiStruct to Abaqus conversion tool uses an open conversion scheme; you can specify different mappings in the configuration file. Care has to be taken so that the element and property mappings are consistent. Altair provides a valid mapping scheme in the ConfigurationFile.txt. This document explains the scope and limitations of the mapping scheme.
HyperMesh elements have two basic attributes – configuration (or config) and type. The "config" defines the basic geometrical shape of an element. For example, tria3 configuration is a 3 node triangular element and hexa8 is an 8-node hexahedral element. The "type" defines the solver specific element type of a particular configuration. For example, the 4-node quadrilateral (quad4) element in Abaqus can be any of the following types: S4, S4R, M3D4, R3D4, and so on. The Element Types panel shows all supported element configurations and their types for a user profile.
For a specific configuration, you can map any supported Nastran element type to any supported Abaqus element type. For example, for an OptiStruct to Abaqus conversion, several 2-noded element configurations such as spring, rigid, bar2, rid, and so on are supported. Because all of them are 2-noded elements, conversion across these configurations is also allowed for some element types. For example, CBUSH is of "spring" configuration in the OptiStruct user profile and CONN3D2 is of ‘rod" configuration in the Abaqus user profile. It is possible to map a CBUSH to CONN3D2 even though their configurations are different. The element mapping scheme must be under the *ElemTypeConversion block in the ConfigurationFile.txt file. You need to provide both configuration and type information to specify the element mapping scheme as shown for the OptiStruct conversion:
HM configuration,
HM configuration,
tria3, CTRIA3 |
tria3, S3 |
tria3, CTRIAR |
tria3, S3R |
quad4, CQUAD4 |
quad4, S4 |
quad4, CQUADR |
quad4, S4R |
quad4, CSHEAR |
quad4, M3D4 |
tetra4, CTETRA |
tetra4, C3D4 |
penta6, CPENTA |
penta6, C3D6 |
hex8, CHEXA |
hex8, C3D8 |
tria6, CTRIA6 |
tria6, STRI65 |
quad8, CQUAD8 |
quad8, S8R |
tetra10, CTETRA |
tetra10, C3D10 |
penta15, CPENTA |
penta15, C3D15 |
hex20, CHEXA |
hex20, C3D20 |
mass, CONM2 |
mass, MASS |
mass, CELAS1 |
mass, SPRING1 |
mass, CELAS2 |
mass, SPRING1 |
rigid, RBE2 |
rigid, COUP_KIN |
rigidlink, RBE2 |
rigidlink, COUP_KIN |
rbe3, RBE3 |
rbe3, DCOUP3D |
spring, CELAS1 |
spring, SPRING2 |
spring, CELAS2 |
spring, SPRING2 |
spring, CDAMP1 |
spring, DASHPOT2 |
spring, CDAMP2 |
spring, DASHPOT2 |
spring, CBUSH |
rod, CONN3D2 |
bar2, CBEAM |
bar2, B31 |
bar2, CBAR |
bar2, B31 |
rod, CROD |
rod, T3D2 |
rod, CONROD |
rod, T3D2 |
gap, CGAP |
gap, GAPUNI |
weld, RBAR |
rigid, KINCOUP |
• | The CELAS1 or CELAS2 elements in OptiStruct have both spring stiffness and damping attributes. If both spring and damping values are present and the mapping scheme is CELAS1 to SPRING1, the conversion tool will automatically create an extra DASHPOT element. |
• | Similarly, the CONM2 elements in OptiStruct have both translational and rotational mass values. If both translational and rotational values are present and the mapping scheme is CONM2 to MASS, the conversion tool will automatically create an extra ROTARY1 element. |
• | *COUPLING/*KINEMATIC constraints with element based surfaces (currently mapped to groups in HyperMesh) are converted into rigid elements. Currently conversion of *COUPLING/*DISTRIBUTING with element based surfaces is not supported. |
Sectional Properties
The table below shows supported sectional property mapping between OptiStruct and Abaqus. Some of the properties in one solver can be converted to two different Abaqus sections in the other solver. For a OptiStruct to Abaqus conversion, for example, PSHELL can be converted to *SHELL SECTION or *SHELL GENERAL SECTION. In the mapping scheme, you must select one of them. The property mapping scheme must be under the *PropertyConversion block in the ConfigurationFile.txt file.
Abaqus beam section axes are defined at element level in OptiStruct.They are in the sectional property level in Abaqus unless the beam axis is defined by a third node in element connectivity. This means that several elements with different beam axis direction can point to the same PBEAM, PBEAML, PBAR or PBARL property in OptiStruct. But in Abaqus, all elements under a *BEAM SECTION or *BEAM GENERAL SECTION property have one beam axis orientation. If a third node is used to define the beam axis, even Abaqus beams with a different axis can belong to a single *BEAM SECTION property. Use the conversion tool to select an extra (1 or 0) argument to define the beam axis conversion mechanism.
If the argument is 0 (or not defined), the conversion tool will take the beam axis direction of the first element corresponding to a PBEAM, PBEAML, PBAR or PBARL property and map that to the corresponding *BEAM SECTION or *BEAM GENERAL SECTION card. The beam axis vectors of other elements with the same property will be ignored.
If the argument is 1, the conversion tool will create a third node for each element to define the equivalent beam axis vector. As a result, the axis direction for each element will be maintained after the conversion. Because this option updates each element, the conversion process might take a considerable amount of time for models with a large number of beams.
The system for CELAS1 or CELAS2 elements is sitting on the grid nodes. Thus, every element can have a different system. Ideally, on conversion one *SPRING (and *DASHPOT) or *CONNECTOR SECTION per element needs to be created. For large models this can be time-consuming.
Therefore for CELAS1 two options can be set in the ConfigurationFile.txt (1 or 0). If the option is 1, one property per element will be created (default). If the flag is set to 0, one property per PELAS card will be created. In this case, the settings of the first element found on this property will be translated. From CELAS2 elements you always create a *SPRING and *DASHPOT or *CONNECTOR SECTION property per element.
Composite sections PCOMP and PCOMPG can be converted to Abaqus as well. From ConfigurationFile.txt a user can select to convert to SHELL SECTION or SHELL GENERAL SECTION properties. Besides individual layers, the conversion takes care of system assignments, offsets, SYM, BEND and other similar parameters. In PCOMPG a global ply id (GPLYID) number is honored in the ply name in Abaqus user profile after conversion.
OptiStruct |
Abaqus |
Beam axis/property option |
1 or 0 |
1 or 0 |
1 or 0 |
1 or 0 |
1 or 0 |
• | CELAS2, CDAMP2 and CONM2 are elements in OptiStruct but they are sectional properties in Abaqus. Therefore, the mapping for them must also be defined under *PropertyConversion |
• | The PELAS or CELAS2 in OptiStruct both spring stiffness and damping attributes. If both spring and damping values are present and they are mapped to *SPRING, the conversion tool will automatically create an extra *DASHPOT property. The elements will both be kept in the same component and the property will be directly assigned to the *SPRING or *DASHPOT element. |
• | Similarly, the CONM2 in OptiStruct has both translational and rotational mass values. If both translational and rotational values are present and it is mapped to *MASS, the conversion tool will automatically create an extra *ROTARY INERTIA component. |
• | The property conversion scheme and corresponding element conversion scheme must be consistent. For example, if you define PBUSH to *CONNECTOR SECTION at the property mapping scheme, the corresponding element CBUSH must map to CONN3D2 in the element mapping scheme. |
The table below shows supported material mapping between OptiStruct and Abaqus. The material mapping scheme must be defined under *PropertyConversion block in the ConfigurationFile.txt file.
OptiStruct |
Abaqus |
Notes |
MAT1 |
MAT2 |
When used alone in a PSHELL, MAT2 is translated to *ELASTIC, TYPE=LAMINA or *ELASTIC, TYPE=ANISOTROPIC |
MAT8 |
MAT9 |
*ELASTIC, TYPE=ANISOTROPIC unless the data are found to be orthotropic, in which case the data are analyzed to create *ELASTIC, TYPE=ENGINEERING CONSTANTS. Also *DENSITY; and *EXPANSION, TYPE=ANISO or ORTHO. |
Note: | If a PBEAM or PBAR is mapped to a *BEAM GENERAL SECTION, the material properties defined in the corresponding OptiStruct material are mapped to the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION card. No *MATERIAL is created in this case. |
HyperMesh loads have two basic attributes – configuration (or config) and type. The supported load "config" are: force, moment, constraint, pressure, temperature, flux, velocity, acceleration and equation. The load "type" defines the solver specific type of a particular configuration. For example, pressure load can be any of the following Abaqus types: DLOAD, FILM, DFLUX, and so on. The Load Types panel shows all supported load configurations and their types for a user profile.
The converter also converts distributed surfaces loads (*DLSOAD) applied on faces of shell or solid elements into pressure loads (PLOAD4).
For a specific configuration, you can map any supported OptiStruct load type to any supported Abaqus load type. The conversion tool does not support conversion across load configurations. The load mapping scheme is valid for either direction and must be under the *BCsTypeConversion block in the ConfigurationFile.txt file. You need to provide both configuration and type information to specify the mapping scheme as shown below:
HM configuration,
HM configuration,
force, FORCE |
force, CLOAD |
moment, MOMENT |
moment, CLOAD |
const, SPC |
const, BOUNDARY |
const, SPCD |
const, VELOCITY |
const, SUPORT |
const, BOUNDARY |
pressure, PLOAD |
pressure, DLOAD |
pressure, PLOAD2 |
pressure, DLOAD |
pressure, PLOAD4 |
pressure, DLOAD |
temp, TEMP |
equation, MPC |
equation, EQUATION |
In addition to the above load types, the conversion tool also converts OptiStruct Dload (with corresponding Rload1, Rload2, DAREA, TABLED1, TABLED2, TABLED3) to Abaqus *BOUNDARY or *CLOAD (with corresponding *AMPLITUDE curve). No mapping scheme needs to be specified for this conversion; the conversion is done automatically if present in the model.
Load Steps and Analysis Type
The conversion tool maps between OptiStruct subcases and Abaqus steps. It does not convert the solution type from/to any Abaqus analysis type. You must define it manually using the Abaqus Step Manager or the OptiStruct Load Step browser.
Systems and Mass
The conversion tool converts OptiStruct system types into the corresponding Abaqus system (*SYSTEM, *TRANSFORM or *ORIENTATION). It also converts the NSM into *NONSTRUCTURAL MASS and assigns them to the relevant properties. The mapping can be summarized as:
HM configuration, OptiStruct type |
HM configuration, Abaqus type |
NSM1 |
*SYSTEM for nodes *TRANSFORM if referred to on GRID *ORIENTATION for elements |
If the WTMASS parameter is defined in the OptiStruct model, it is used to modify density, mass, and inertia values during conversion.