HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Refinement Zone Mesh Controls

Refinement Zone Mesh Controls

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Refinement Zone Mesh Controls

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Refinement zones are used to refine mesh with a defined size. Create refinement zones for surface meshing (surface deviation only), adaptive wrap meshing, and volume meshing (BL+ Tetra and Tetra) in the Mesh Controls tab by right-clicking on the Refinement Zone folder and selecting Create from the context menu.





Enabled for Volume Mesh / Surface Mesh / Wrapping Mesh

Enables refinement zones for volume meshing, surface meshing, and/or adaptive wrap meshing.

Element Size

Defines the target element size for mesh inside of the refinement box.

Note:The actual mesh size will vary in order to maintain mesh connectivity at the edges of the box.

In the example below, the boundary region has been selected as With BL (float) and remesh, therefore the region included in the refinement box has been remeshed with the elements size assigned to the refinement box.




Define the refinement zone shape.

Box is defined:
oBy Center and Size. Use the selector to select a center node and specify the x, y, and z dimensions of each side of the box.

Example: A size of 5 creates a 5 x 5 x 5 box centered around the center node.

oBy Two Nodes. Use the selector to select two nodes which represent opposite corners of a cubic volume.
oBy Four Nodes. Use the selector to select a base node and three additional nodes. The four selected nodes cannot be coplanar. The base node, N1, and N2 form a triangle, which is then flipped 180 degrees to form a rectangular base for the refinement box. The vector from base node to N3 defines the refinement box's height and direction from the base.
oBy Eight Nodes. Use the selector to select all eight nodes of the refinement box. The order of the box will be corrected internally if defined incorrectly.
oBy Element Volume. Use the elems selector to select the elements that define the volume. Define a scaling factor to scale the elements enclosed in the box. A scale factor of 1 creates the smallest possible box that can still enclose the selected elements, whereas a factor of 2 creates a box twice as large in every dimension.
Cone is defined by the lower circular face center (as a node or coordinates), lower circular face radius, cylinder height, and normal axis of the cylinder.
Cylinder is defined by the lower circular face center (as a node or coordinates), lower circular face radius, cylinder height, and normal axis of the cylinder.
Ellipsoid is defined by four nodes: the center node and three other nodes which define the radius in each direction and also the orientation.
Frustum is defined by the lower circular face center (as a node or coordinates), lower circular face radius, top circular face radius, cylinder height, and normal axis of the cylinder.
Sphere is defined by the center (as a node or coordinates) and radius.