This macro is used to convert deformable parts of an LS-DYNA model to rigid.
1. | Click Tools in the Utility Menu. |
2. | Click Convert To Rigid. |
3. | Select the elements to convert to rigid and click proceed. |
4. | Select an existing rigid component in the model for merging the newly created rigid body and Click Proceed. |
The Convert To Rigid macro performs the following steps when the selected elements are converted to rigid.
1. | For the selected elements, a check is performed on the comps for rigid (MAT_RIGID or matl20) or deformable materials (all, except matl20). If deformable materials exist, rigid materials (MAT_RIGID) are created with the properties from the original deformable materials. A check is performed for rigid materials that are already defined. If rigid materials are found, the comps and rigid materials are retained. |
2. | Comps located partially within the window are split into two comps. The new comp has the same property (section ID) but new material (Material ID). For example, if A-pillar is partially within the window, then a new comp A-pillar_rig is created. A-pillar_rig is updated with newly created material. |
3. | All the spotwelds and rigids located entirely within the window are removed. For example, *CONSTRAINED_NODAL_RIGID_BODY_option, *CONSTRAINED_NODE_SET, *CONSTRAINED_SPOTWELD, and *CONSTRAINED_GENERALIZED_WELD_option. |
4. | For spotwelds that are connected from the deformable body to the rigid body, an extra node is created and referenced by the master rigid body. |
5. | A check is performed to detect joints located partially or entirely within the window. Detected joints are deleted. |
6. | A check is performed to detect springs located partially or entirely within the window. Detected springs are deleted. |
7. | A check is performed to detect seatbelt elements (seatbelt elements, Retractor, Pretensioner) located partially or entirely within the window. Detected seatbelt elements are deleted. |
8. | Master and slave comps are defined (for example, CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODIES). You are prompted to select a comp for master rigid body. A slave set is created with the newly created rigid bodies (except the master rigid body comp). |
9. | A message is displayed when the conversion is complete. |