The UG reader provides additional customization options for loading of UG models. The ug_load_options.def file can be used for this purpose. The behavior of this file is as follows.
• | This file can be setup and written out of UG using the File > Options > Assembly Load Options dialog. |
• | The UG reader passes the options in this file to UGOpen during import, and UG utilizes the options accordingly. |
A default version of the ug_load_options.def file is located in the directory [Altair Home]/io/afc_translators/bin/[platform]. When the UG reader is activated, it first checks the current working directory for the ug_load_options.def file. If the file is not found, the translator uses the default ug_load_options.def file in the above directory. In this way the ug_load_options.def file can have "global" or "local" user scope. For instance, "local" user changes for a current job can be made by copying and modifying the ug_load_options.def file in the local current working directory.