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In addition to standard commands such as creating new study files, opening existing .xml study files, and saving study files, you can also perform the following actions from the File menu.

hmtoggle_plus1greyExport/Import Study Archives

Export Archive

This feature packages the study's files into a single.hstx file that is easy to handle. The following files are packaged into the .hstx file:

Study .xml file.
Resource files.
Reference files.
.hstdf and .data files.
Any other files in study directory.


If the resource file and reference files are not in the study directory when Export Archive is selected, then they will be copied over and included in the .hstx file. The archived .xml study file will be updated to point to the new location of the resource file and reference files.

Note:Export Archive does not package run folders in approach directories (such as approaches/doe_1/run_xxxx), in order to minimize the archive file size. Files included in resource files that do not reside in the study directory will not be packaged.


Import Archive

This feature un-packages the archived .hstx file at a given location. The .hstdf and .data files are placed in their respective locations and all of the other files are organized in the study directory. Import Archive also modifies the study directory in the .xml file to the new location.


hmtoggle_plus1greySet User Preferences File

There are various types of startup customizations that are possible for HyperWorks. These items define how the application looks or behaves when the product starts. Customizations include preferences files and environment variables among others.

A preferences file is an ASCII file that configures the application or its clients, and specifies default user settings such as the readers, functions, and solver script locations. A standard preferences file is created in the program installation directory and is executed every time a license is activated. An additional preferences file can be created in your working directory, and can contain personal settings that will either overwrite the standard preferences file or be added to the existing settings in the standard preferences file.

When HyperStudy is first started, File > Use Preferences File will be inactive. In this case, only the standard preferences file ($HST_ALTAIR_HOME/hw/preferences_hst.mvw) will be used.

To use a personal preferences file, you need to select File > Use Preferences File from the menu bar. In the HyperStudy - Set Preferences File dialog specify the location of the file. Once the preferences file is selected, File > Set Preferences File will include the path to the file.

Note:   To use the custom preferences file in batch mode, you need to use the option –preffile “preferences file name.mvw”. For more information, please refer to Invoking HyperStudy.


hmtoggle_plus1greyPackage Reports

The top level directory in a HyperStudy study is <studyDir>. Once an approach is created, a secondary subdirectory, <studyDir>/rpt, is created for reports. Each approach then has its own subdirectory within the 'rpt' directory.

To package the report directory, <studyDir>/rpt/…, in a .zip file, click File > Package Report from the menu bar.