
HS-1600: Creating an Optimization Study with MADYMO/Workspace Objective Rating and HyperStudy

HS-1600: Creating an Optimization Study with MADYMO/Workspace Objective Rating and HyperStudy

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HS-1600: Creating an Optimization Study with MADYMO/Workspace Objective Rating and HyperStudy

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup an optimization study that combines MADYMO/Workspace Objective Rating together with Hyperstudy. At the end of this tutorial, you will find the maximum correlation between a MADYMO model and the hardware test results.

You will set up an Objective Rating using the following rating criteria: Sprague & Geers, CORA, peak timing and value matching. The rating is subsequently used to match results from the hardware testing of a pedestrian leg impactor with a vehicle front with a MADYMO model of this test. You will use Hyperstudy to find the maximum correlation between the test and simulation results. The simulation model contains the following input variables: scaling factors for the loading characteristics for the bumper, spoiler, headlights, bonnet leading edge and bonnet.

The files used in this tutorial can be found in <hst.zip>/HS-1600/.


hmtoggle_plus1greyStep 1: Setup the MADYMO/Workspace Objective Rating Matrix
1.Start the MADYMO/Workspace Objective Rating application.
2.From the menu bar, click Tools > Settings.
3.In the Settings dialog, select Criteria from the list of settings.
4.From the Criteria Used in the Project list, select Global Min Time, Global Min Value, and Weighted Integrated Score.


5.Click hs1600_4. The application removes the selected criteria from the list of rating criteria to be used in this project.
6.From the Available Criteria list, select CORA and Sprague and Geers.


7.Click hs1600_6. The application adds the selected criteria to the list of rating criteria to be used in this project.
8.Click OK.
9.On the toolbar, click hs1600_8.
10.From the filter field, select All Files.
11.Open the ACC.csv file.
12.On the toolbar, click hs1600_8.
13.Open the V3_LowerLeg_form.lac file.
14.In the Tree View, select the ACC.csv file.
15.Drag the file it into Row 1, Column 1 of the Rating matrix and then drop it into the Reference signal.


16.In the Tree View, select the Res.acceleration file.
17.Drag the file it into Row 1, Column 1 of the Rating matrix and then drop it into the Simulation signal.
18.In cell 1, click the Cell Properties tab.


19.Expand Reference curve and then select the X axis.
20.Set the Dimension in file to Time.
21.Set the Offset to 0.0085 s.


22.Select the Y axis.
23.Set the Dimension in file to Acceleration.
24.Set the Units in file to g.
25.Set the Scale to -1.


26.On the toolbar, click hs1600_13.
27.In the Save dialog, navigate to your working directory and save the file as rating.obr.
28.Exit the Objective Rating application.


hmtoggle_plus1greyStep 2: Create the Base Import Template in HyperStudy
1.Start HyperStudy.
2.From the menu bar, click Tools > Editor. The Editor opens.
3.In the File field, open the V3_LowerLeg_form.xml file.
4.In the Search area, enter cnt_char_ell69_bumper.
5.Click side_arrow_editor. cnt_char_ell69_bumper is highlighted.
6.Under the variable cnt_char_ell69_bumper, highlight the value 1.0.


7.Right-click on the highlighted fields and select Create Parameter from the context menu.
8.In the Parameter - varname_1 dialog, enter cnt_char_ell69_bumper in the Label field.
9.Set the Lower Bound to 0.1, the Initial value to 1.0, and the Upper bound to 2.0.
10.Set the Format to %3.1f.
11.Click OK.


12.Repeat steps 3 through 11 for the variables listed below. Change the labels to be the name of the variable above the highlighted values.
13.Click Save.
14.In the Save Template dialog, navigate to your working directory and save the file as V3_LowerLeg_form.tpl.
15.Close the Editor.


hmtoggle_plus1greyStep 3: Create the madymo_optimization.bat File
1.In a text editor, open a new file.
2.Enter the following text line:

"C:\Program Files\Madymo\madymo_75\em64t-win\bin\madymo75.exe" -i V3_LowerLeg_form.xml

"C:\Program Files\Madymo\Workspace_75\em64t-win\bin\ObjectiveRating.exe" --batch --input Rating.obr --output Rating.obr

Note:This example assumes that you are using MADYMO V7.5 on a Microsoft Windows platform.
3.Save the file as madymo_optimization.bat.
4.Close the text editor.


hmtoggle_plus1greyStep 4: Register Madymo as a Solver Script
1.From the menu bar, click Edit > Register Solver Script.
2.In the Register Solver Script dialog, click Add Solver Script.
3.In the HyperStudy - Add dialog, enter MADYMO_optimization in the Label and Varname fields.
4.For solver script type, select Generic.
5.Click OK.


6.In the Path column of the script MADYMO_optimization, click file_selection_icon.
7.In the Open dialog, open the madymo_optimization.bat file.
8.Click Close.


hmtoggle_plus1greyStep 5: Perform the Study Setup
1.To start a new study, click File > New from the menu bar, or click files_new_hst2 on the toolbar.
2.In the HyperStudy – Add dialog, enter a study name, select a location for the study, and click OK.
3.Go to the Define models step.
4.Add a Parameterized File model.
a.From the Directory, drag-and-drop the V3_LowerLeg_form.tpl file into the work area.


b.In the Solver input file column, enter V3_LowerLeg_form.xml; Rating.obr; ACC.csv. This is the name of the solver input files HyperStudy writes during any evaluation. 
c.In the Solver execution script column, select MADYMO_optimization (MADYMO_optimization).
d.In the Solver input arguments column, add the extension .xml to the $file.


5.Click Import Variables. Five input variables are imported from the V3_LowerLeg_form.tpl file.
6.Go to the Define Input Variables step.
7.Review the input variable's lower and upper bound ranges.
8.Go to the Specifications step.


hmtoggle_plus1greyStep 6: Perform the Nominal Run
1.In the work area, set the Mode to Nominal Run.
2.Click Apply.
3.Go to the Evaluate step.
4.Click Evaluate Tasks. An approach/nom_1/ directory is created inside the study directory.
5.Go to the Define Output Responses step.


hmtoggle_plus1greyStep 7: Create and Define Output Responses
1.Click Add Output Response.
2.In the HyperStudy - Add dialog, one output response and label it Rating.
3.In the Expression column of the output response Rating, click hs_popupdialogicon.
4.In the Expression Builder, click the ASCII Extracts tab.
5.Click Add Extract Source.
6.In the HyperStudy - Add dialog, add one extract source labeled OBR.
7.In the File Path column of OBR, click hs_popupdialogicon.
8.In the Extract file dialog, navigate to the approaches/nom_1/run__00001/m_1 directory and open the Rating.obr file.
9.Select the Keyword checkbox and enter <TOTALS>.
10.Click Next. <TOTALS> is highlighted.
11.In the Offset field, enter 157.
12.In the Length field, enter 8.
13.Click OK.
14.Click Insert Varname. The expression OBR[0] appears in the Evaluate Expression field.
15.Click Evaluate Expression. The expression OBR[0] changes to 0.47476600000000002.
16.Click OK.


hmtoggle_plus1greyRun an Optimization Study
1.In the Explorer, right-click and select Add Approach from the context menu.
2.In the HyperStudy - Add dialog, select Optimization and click OK.
3.Go to the Select Input Variables step.
4.Review the input variable's lower and upper bound ranges.
5.Go to the Select Output Responses step.
6.Click Add Objective.
7.In the HyperStudy - Add dialog, add one objective.
8.Define the objective.
a.Set Type to Minimize.
b.Set Apply On to Rating (r_1).


9.Click Apply.
10.Go to the Specifications step.
11.In the work area, set the Mode to Adaptive Response Surface Method (ARSM).
Note:Only the methods that are valid for the problem formulation are enabled.
12.Click Apply.
13.Go to the Evaluate step.
14.Click Evaluate Tasks.
15.Click the Evaluation Plot tab to monitor the progress of the optimization.




See Also:

HyperStudy Tutorials