Enhanced stress responses for Topology and Free-size Optimization is now available. Stress responses for Topology and Free-size Optimization can now be subcase-specific, component-based, and they are not only limited to von Mises stresses. The stress responses for Topology and Free-size Optimization can now be defined using the DRESP1 bulk data entry. Previously, stress responses for Topology and Free-size Optimization were only available via the STRESS continuation line on the DTPL bulk data entry. The new formulation significantly expands the functionality and performance of stress responses for Topology and Free-size Optimization.
The “Grow or Shrink” result type is available. The shape is growing if the value is 1.0 and shrinking if the value if -1.0.
The DRESPONSE I/O options entry is now available, which outputs user-defined responses to the H3D file. This allows the post-processing of user defined responses (DRESP1, DRESP2, and DRESP3 bulk data entries) in HyperView and HyperGraph. All grid and element based responses (DRESP1) are supported, and additionally all such combinations (DRESP2 and DRESP3) are also available. The remaining responses are not supported since contouring them is not possible. Global responses are output in a separate global subcase (_glob.h3d file). DRESPONSE(EQUA) can be used to disable the output of DRESP1 responses.
The weighted compliance is now available for ESL-B2B Optimization. This is activated via DRESP1(WCOMP). Additionally, the optimization parameter WEIGHT is now supported for NLGEOM/IMPDYN/EXPDYN analysis.
Free-size Optimization for composites is now supported for NLGEOM, IMPDYN, and EXPDYN subcases.
The output of retained responses to the .out file can be controlled using PARAM, PRTRET. The ALL option allows all retained responses to be printed, the NOSTR option excludes stress, strain, and force retained responses to the .out file, and NONE deactivates printing of retained responses. The output of design variables and design entities to the .out file is controlled by PARAM, PRTDES. The DVDP option prints both design variables and design entities to the .out file. The DV and DP options prints the design variables, and design entities (properties, materials, and elements), respectively to the .out file. The NONE option deactivates the printing of design variables and design entities to the .out file.
The Dang Van Criterion has been enhanced on the FOS continuation line. If the value in Field 3 of FOS continuation line is an integer, it now references a TABLES1 entry. This is used to define the intersection points of the FOS curve, wherein, X-values are hydrostatic pressure and Y-values are microscopic shear. The units are defined on the MATFAT entry. The angle for the safe zone (5th field in FOS) is now available. If angle at a point in the domain is less than the defined angle, it is considered safe. The 6th field in FOS is the shear threshold for the safe zone. If microscopic shear stress is less than this value, it is considered safe.
STACK entries can now be referenced by DTPG bulk data entries in Topography Optimization.
Smith, Watson, and Topper (SWT) mean stress influence can now be used in Fatigue Optimization.
Soft elements are removed in the OS Topology Optimization run from the RADIOSS nonlinear run and reintroduced at the ESLM Linear Static Optimization run.
Failed elements from the RADIOSS Nonlinear Optimization run are now skipped when generating the equivalent static loads.
The DUAL2 Optimization algorithm is now available and can be activated using DOPTPRM, OPTMETH, DUAL2. It is recommended to try this algorithm if the DUAL algorithm fails (restarting the optimization job should suffice in such cases).
A, B, C-Weighting are now available for optimization responses via the SCALE field on the DRESP1 entry.
LOWFQ and HIGHFQ can be used to define the frequency range of the response calculation on the DRESP1 entry.
Resultant section force and moment responses are now available via RTYPE=RESFORCE on the DRESP1 entry.
Thermal compliance can be used as an optimization response via RTYPE=TCOMP on the DRESP1 entry.
RTYPE=VOLUME and ATTA=ENCLOSED can be used to create an enclosed volume response for Shape, Free-shape, and Topography Optimization. The ENCLOSED option indicates that this response is an enclosed volume defined by a closed 2D mesh (free-edges are not supported). For this enclosed volume response type, ATTI field(s) should be set to PID.
Vector-based input is now available for optimization responses DRESP2 and DRESP3. The VTYPE#, RID#, and VOPT# fields can be used to identify the DRESP1 and DRESP2 (or 3) responses to be passed as vectors to the DRESP3 (or 2) entry. The VTYPEL#, RID#, LID#, and VOPT# fields can be used to identify the subcase-specific DRESP1 and DRESP2 (or 3) responses to be passed as vectors to the DRESP3 (or 2) entry.
Zero Crossing Frequency response is now available for Random Response Optimization. It can be activated by specifying ZCF in the ATTB field for RMS responses on the DRESP1 bulk data entry.
Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis is now supported for optimization.
Thickness gradient constraints are now supported for Free-size Optimization via the THICK continuation line. The TG field can be used to specify the maximum thickness gradient. The TGX, TGY, and TGZ fields can be used to define a vector that specifies thickness gradient direction.
Linear Pattern Grouping (TYP=20) and Planar Pattern Grouping (TYP=21) are now supported for Free-size Optimization on TYP field of the PATRN continuation line on the DSIZE entry. Linear pattern is typically designed to handle models with minimal or no curvature in the specified vector direction (which is typically orthogonal to the rolling direction in Taylor rolled blanks applications). Planar pattern grouping is designed to handle models with high curvature in the orthogonal planes of the defined vector, and with minimal or no curvature in the direction of the defined vector (the vector defined in planar pattern grouping should typically lie in the rolling direction in Taylor rolled blanks applications).
OUTPUT,FSTOSZ is now supported for PSHELL entries in Free-sizing Optimization.
The discreteness in Topology Optimization has now been improved for Normal Mode and Modal Frequency Response Optimization.
The discreteness has now been improved for any analysis type in Topology Optimization. This can be activated by DOPTPRM,TOPDISC,YES. This parameter can be added to Topology Optimization in normal mode and Modal Frequency Response Analysis to enhance the discreteness even further.
Mass is not penalized anymore so that the force due to gravity, centrifugal is correct throughout the iterations in Topology Optimization. This also helps achieving more discrete results.
Tapered Beam is now available for Lattice Structure Optimization via PBEAML (TYPE=ROD) bulk data entry.
Lattice Smoothing and Remeshing (via OSSmooth) support is now available for Lattice Structure Optimization using the LATPRM,OSSRMSH parameter. During Lattice Optimization, this parameter activates, via OSSmooth, the smoothing process and optionally the remeshing process if the mesh size value is specified.
The FSSPLIT flag on DSHAPE allows splitting the design grids into smaller groups based on geometry. This allows capturing finer shape changes more effectively.
Large shape changes are now supported for Normal Modes and Buckling Analysis for a structure that contains N2S contact, CGAP, and CGAPG elements. Earlier only Linear/Nonlinear Static Analysis was supported for large shape changes in Shape Optimization.
The CSTRESS, CSTRAIN, and CFAILURE output from TOP, MID, and BOTTOM of composites can now be used as responses for optimization. The T (TOP), B (BOTTOM), and O(MID) suffixes are now available for the regular corresponding composite stress, composite strain, and composite failure ATTA field options.
The ERROR and WARNING messages from RADIOSS Optimization (RADOPT) are now printed in the OUT file, instead of only on the screen.
The Euler Buckling checks in the Phase 2 of Lattice Optimization are now output to the H3D file.
The DOPTPRM, CONTOL parameter can be used to change the default constraint violation tolerance from the current default value of 1%.