Block Format Keyword
/ADMESH/STATE/SHELL - Adaptive Meshing – State of Shells in Adaptive Meshing
Describes the state of shells in adaptive meshing.
Shell identifier
SW son identifier (Comment 4)
SE son identifier
NE son identifier
NW son identifier
Actual level of shell (Comment 6)
Mapping flag or deletion at the beginning of this stage (Comment 8)
= -1: the shell and all the shells coming from it are deleted.
= 0: the element is not deleted and no element is activated at a deeper level, unless it was already active in the previous stage. Necessarily, the element remains active (resp. inactive) if it was active (resp. inactive) in the previous stage.
= 1: some shells will be activated at a deeper level, but were not previously. Then fields mapping (stresses, etc.) will occur at the beginning of this stage for activating this deeper level.
1. | This option is compulsory for multistage analysis in case of adaptive mesh. It allows to run a second stage after the first one using adaptivity, by retrieving the hierarchical data structure of the adaptive mesh. |
2. | This block can be written with /STATE/DT option in RADIOSS Engine. |
3. | The full hierarchical data structure of the adaptive mesh from level 0 to Levelmax (given in /ADMESH/GLOBAL) must be provided. |
4. | Sons of shell_ID must be given in the following order - assuming that connectivity of shell_ID is (N1, N2, N3, and N4): |

5. | Connectivity of the four sons must be given in option /SHELL/part_ID in the following order: |
SW = (N1, .., .., ..) | N1 is the first node of son SW and SW is orientated the same way as the parent shell_ID |
SE = (.., N2, .., ..) | N2 is the second node of son SE and SE is orientated the same way as the parent shell_ID |
NE = (.., .., N3, ..) | N3 is the third node of son NE and NE is orientated the same way as the parent shell_ID |
NW = (.., .., .., N4) | N4 is the fourth node of son NW and NW is orientated the same way as the parent shell_ID |
Actlev = level, the true level of the shell in the previous stage, if it was active (level goes from 0 to Levelmax value given in /ADMESH/GLOBAL).
Actlev = –(level+1), if the shell was not active in the previous stage.
7. | The full stress tensor, strain tensor are supposed to be provided for all active shells in the previous stage (Actlec > 0), using /INISHE/STRS_F and /INISHE/STRA_F. |
8. | The flag IMapping allows you to enforce the deletion of some shells or the activation of some shells at a deeper level than in the previous stage. |
9. | In Adaptive Meshing, node ID and shell ID are limited to < 900000000. |
See Also:
Implicit Features and Compatibility Information