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Block Format Keyword

/DRAPE – Define Fiber Orientation Change and Thinning for a Ply, due to draping


This option is used to read fiber orientation changes and thinning for a ply which are usually the result a manufacturing process simulation.

The input is given by any number of lines.

Each line defines the angle change and the thinning for either a single element or a group.

Each element of the ply can only be called once for a single DRAPE option.






















hmtoggle_plus1Flag Definition



SI Unit Example


Drape identifier

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)



Drape title

(Character, maximum 100 characters)



Must be left justified.


SHELL: The entity is a 4 nodes shell element

SH3N: The entity is a 3 nodes shell element

GRSHEL: The entity is a group of 4 nodes shell element

GRSH3N: The entity is a group of 3 nodes shell element



Entity identifier




Ply thinning factor




Ply orientation change


1.The drape is used in /PLY and /PROP/PLY to take into account the manufacturing process on the ply orientation and thickness of the elements.
2.For each shell element, the ply first orthotropy direction is rotated by an angle θdrape in addition to the angles defined in the /PROP/PLY and /PLY or in the shell definition (depending of the value of flag def_orth in the ply input):

If def_orth = 2, the angle for between the reference direction and the first direction of orthotropy is:

Where, is defined in the /STACK or /PROP/STACK for ply layer i and is the angle of rotation of the layer with respect to the shell defined in the /PLY or /PROP/PLY option.


If def_orth = 1, the angle between the shell skew and the first direction of orthotropy is:

Where, is defined in the shell (/SHELL or /SH3N) and is the angle of rotation of the layer with respect to the shell, defined in the /PLY or /PROP/PLY option. See ply example in /PROP/TYPE17.

If def_orth =1, skew_ID, VX, VY, and VZ from the /PROP/TYPE17, /PROP/TYPE51 and /STACK input are ignored.

3.The ply thickness ti of the element as defined in the ply is scaled using the ply thinning factor Thinning.

See Also:

New Keywords in V2017

Material Compatibility