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/DT/GLOB - Global Time Step


Global time step estimation, enables setting the time step to a higher value than the usual elementary or nodal time step.


/DT/GLOB                or          /DT/GLOB/Iflag


                         Tol_GTS    Ncycles




Number of additional (optional) cards

= 0 or blank: only one card for and is read.

=1: Tol_GTS and Ncycles are read from input. (Comment 2)

Scale factor on time stop

Default = 0.9

Minimum time step


Tolerance for GTS convergence

Default = 10-3


Frequency (number of cycles) for global time step estimation

Default = 20


1.If /DT/GLOB is used with /DT/NODA, the simulation begins with nodal time step and global time step follows.
If /DT/GLOB is used alone or with /DT, the starting time step is element type step followed by global time step.
2.If Iflag =1, the tolerance for GTS convergence, Tol_GTS and the frequency Ncycles for global time step must be entered.
If Iflag =0 or is omitted, default values of 10-3 for Tol_GTS and 20 for Ncycles are used.
3.The Global Time Step option is available for the following features:
Solid elements: /TETRA4, /TETRA10, hexa with the flags below
/PROP/SOLID: Isolid = 1 (Belytschko), 14 (HA8), 17 (H8C), 24 (HEPH) and 16 (20-noded)
Shell elements: Ishell = 1 (Belytschko-Tsay), 12 (Batoz), and 24 (HEPH)
Truss element
Beam element
Contact interfaces: TYPE7, TYPE24 (without edge-to-edge option), and TYPE2 with spotflag 25
4.In most cases, default values are sufficient to ensure a stable run, however in cases where the global stiffness varies frequently due to oscillating contact conditions, it is recommended to increase the convergence tolerance, Tol_GTS = 0.05 and reduce the scale factor on time step, = 0.8.