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Time Step

Time Step

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Time Step

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In this group, keywords are used to define different time step control (STOP, KILL, CST or DEL, etc.) for different entities (shell, brick, beam, airbag, interface, etc.) during the computation.




Time Step


Set time step defaults for all elements.


Set elementary time step for Advanced Mass Scaling (AMS).


Set time step for select entities (shell, brick, beam, airbag, interface, etc.).


Set time step with selected entities  (shell, brick, beam, airbag, interface, etc.) and time step control (stop criteria for time step or set constant time step).


Global time step estimation, enables setting the time step to a higher value than the usual elementary or nodal time step.


Set nodal time step control.


Set time step control for shell elements.


Used to apply an imposed nodal time step for SHELL and SH3N elements sub-cycling: mass will be added, if the nodal time step for shells sub-cycling.


Used to generate the SPH cells time step.


Used to generate the SPH cells time step control type (STOP, DEL or KILL).


Use to set time step for thermal modeling and it is much larger than the mechanical time step and; therefore, lower computational time cost.


Use for alternate Time Step for Shell Elements than what is defined in /DT/SHELL during the computation.


Set initial and maximum time step for the run.


Used to set alternate Time Step for degenerated solid 6-node element and PENTA6 solid element.