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Engine Keyword

/DT - Time Step for Select Entities


Time step for select entities.







Entity selection:

BRICK - Brick elements

QUAD - Quad elements

SHELL - Shell elements

SH_3N - Triangular shell elements

TRUSS - Truss elements

BEAM - Beam elements

SPRING - Spring elements

AIRBAG - Airbag

FVMBAG - Finite Volume Method airbag for monitored volumes type /FVMBAG or /FVMBAG1 only.

The  and can be defined to insure stability and a minimum time step size by triggering additional finite volume merges when the FVMBAG entity penalizes the computation.

/DT/FVMBAG means that if dt<dtmin and volume < 10 * the minimum volume used for global merge the finite volume is merged. This is the strategy used in version 12.0.223.

/DT/FVMBAG/1 means that if dt<dtmin the finite volume is merged.

INTER - Interface (Type 7 only). Only concerns interface type 7 time step.

NODA - Nodes - activates nodal time step computation. With this option, the computation of each cycle is slightly more expensive, but the time step can be higher, mainly for non-optimized meshes.


Node group flag (Comment 1)

Scale factor on time step for the option defined by “Eltyp”.

Minimum time step for the option defined by “Eltyp” (Comment 2)


Node group identifier.

Read only if Eltyp is NODA and Iflag =1


1.The “Iflag” can be only used with Eltyp = NODA.
If Iflag =1, only the nodes belonging the node group grnd_ID are affected.
If Iflag =0, all nodes are affected.
2.If Eltyp is BEAM, TRUSS, SPRING, NODA or INTER, the value of has no effect.

See Also:

Example 24 - Laminating