/PRINT - Printout
Sets printout frequency for output file.
Data |
Description |
Nprint |
Printout every Nprint cycle on file “Runname_nnnn.out” Default = -1000 |
1. | If Nprint is negative, the printout is made in the standard output, as well as in the output file. If Nprint is positive, the printout is only made in the output file. |
The energy error in the RADIOSS Engine output file (_0001.out…_9999.out) is defined as:
Ek is kinetic energy
Ekr is rotational kinetic energy
Ei is internal energy
Ek1 is initial translational kinetic energy
Ekr1 is initial rotational kinetic energy
Ei1 is initial internal energy
Ewk is external work
Ewk1 is initial external work
Hourglass energy is not included in internal energy.
Normal amount of hourglass energy is about 10% to 15%.
Hourglass energy is not a true energy error, but a part of internal energy computed with a non-physical equations. If this energy remains small, the assumptions concerning these equations are acceptable.
Initial values are values at cycle zero and not at time zero.
At time t=0, err% =0 the energy error is bounded at 99%.