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General Controls

General Controls

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General Controls

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In this group of keywords are used to generally define the output style, control of computation, damping and ALE setup during the computation.






Defines the animation files in RADIOSS environment post-processing formats.


In Single File Input (Engine and Starter are in one file), It is mandatory to set at the end of the Engine input deck.


Defines the time history files in RADIOSS environment post-processing formats.


Defines a title in Engine.


Defines the input deck version in engine. The number of version must be coherent with the number of version in RADIOSS Starter.



Stop the Engine, if specific criteria is exceeded (and will not write the restart file).


Activates MADYMO-RADIOSS coupling.


Provides information about estimation of the CPU time spent for each processor.


Parallel Arithmetic flag. If /PARITH/ON is used, then same numerical results will be obtained whatever the number of processors.


Activates Multi-Domain coupling.


Permits to continue a previous RADIOSS run.


Identifies the run number.

/RUN/Run Name/Run Number/Restart

Identifies the run number for restart.


Activates new sub-cycling, which is only necessary in order for the RADIOSS Starter to allocate additional memory.


Stops the Engine, if specific criteria is exceeded and writes the restart file.


Stops the Engine, due to sensor activation.



Used to set printout frequency for output file (Runname_nnnn.out).


Writes a binary restart R-File.


Rewrites number of restart R-File.



Defines the damping coefficient for the whole model in Engine.


Defines the dynamic relaxation for the whole model.


Defines the dynamic relaxation for group of nodes.


Sets kinetic energy relaxation for the whole model.


Sets kinetic energy relaxation for group of nodes.



Provides the ability to modify the parameters which control displacement of a grid node.


Provides the ability to modify the parameters which control velocity of a grid node.


Provides the ability to modify the parameters which control connection of a grid node with nonlinear springs.


Provides the ability to modify the parameters which describe the standard formulation for ALE grid velocity computation.


Provides the ability to switch to Quasi-Eulerian grid formulation.



Deactivates an ALE Link (which defined in Starter) in Engine.


Activates an ALE Link (which deactivate in the previous Engine).


Modifies the ALE Link in Engine.


Used to Subcycling on Lagrangian parts.


Used for Quasi-incompressible formulation for fluid material.


Modifies coefficients for standard upwind formulation previously defined from Starter Input or from previous run.


Describes the Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin formulation.


Describes the Taylor Galerkin method for momentum advection.