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hmtoggle_plus1Error 157: Error opening the scratch file ./filename.rs~.

Description: This error may be caused by not having access rights to open the file, or insufficient memory remaining for system routines, or other system setup related issues. This also may possibly be caused by real time protection by antivirus.

Suggestions for Resolution

1.Use the TMPDIR I/O Options Entry, OS_TMP_DIR environment variable, or the –tmpdir run option to reference a scratch directory at a location with full read and write permissions. Additionally, make sure that the path where the job is run does not contain too many characters (not too long).
2.Try to update the operating system, if running on Windows.
3.Disable real time protection, and add an exception, for files with the extension .rs~ and OptiStruct related files (.fem, and so on).
hmtoggle_plus1Error 165: Gram-Schmidt re-orthogonalization did not converge.

Description: This error indicates that a massless mechanism may exist in the model, during Buckling Analysis

Suggestions for Resolution

1.Run Normal Modes Analysis and look for Rigid Body Modes. If any exist, there are massless mechanisms in the model.
2.If a Normal Modes Analysis run also fails, rerun the model using MECHCHECK (results of a MECHCHECK analysis are for testing purposes only and may be inaccurate).
3.If massless mechanisms are found, additional constraints on the model may be required or the massless mechanisms may need to be removed for the model to run.
hmtoggle_plus1Error 169: Improperly posed generalized symmetric eigen problem.

Description: This error can occur in an eigenvalue analysis run when the matrix, specifying norm is not positive (semi-)definite, but is indefinite. This error typically occurs during buckling analysis or preloaded buckling analysis, due to modeling issues or excessive buckling preload.

Suggestions for Resolution

1.For Buckling Eigenvalue Analysis, the stiffness matrix should be positive definite. If this error occurs in a regular Buckling Eigenvalue Analysis, check the model for modeling errors and rerun the bucking analysis after the modeling errors are fixed, to verify that this error disappears.
To detect modeling issues: a) run Normal Modes Analysis and look for Rigid Body Modes, or b) use MECHCHECK.
2.If this error occurs in a preloaded buckling analysis, the preload may possibly have caused the structure to buckle. In such cases, reduce the preload and verify that the error disappears.
hmtoggle_plus1Error 273: Available Working Storage Insufficient

Description: This error can occur in a run with insufficient working storage (RAM).

Suggestions for Resolution

1.Try to force in-core solution using –core in.
2.Disable dynamic memory allocation and set the total allowable static RAM using -fixlen.
hmtoggle_plus1Error 326: RBE3 element # cannot support a x-force - check element data.

Description: This error indicates that the independent degrees of freedom of the RBE3 are not able to transmit forces applied in the X direction in a model containing improperly constrained RBE3 elements.

Suggestions for Resolution

1.Find all RBE3 elements in the model and look for improperly constrained independent grid points.
2.If the forces are not transmitted in the X direction, add component 1 to the list of degrees of freedom (Ci field) for the independent grids on the improperly constrained RBE3.
hmtoggle_plus1Error 703: Optimizer failed to find a solution of the optimization problem at the current iteration.

Description: This error occurs in a model running topology optimization, containing a large number of retained constraints.

Suggestions for Resolution

1.Reduce the number of constraints.
2.Switch to the DUAL2 optimization algorithm, using the DOPTPRM,OPTMETH,DUAL2 bulk data entry.
hmtoggle_plus1Error 1813: T0 in Buckling Optimization

Description: This error can occur in a Free-Size or Topology buckling optimization run when the base thickness value is set in the T0 field on the PSHELL Bulk Data Entry.

Suggestions for Resolution

1.For Free-Size Buckling Optimization, the base thickness value should be set in the T0 field on the DSIZE Bulk Data Entry.
2.For Topology Buckling Optimization, the base thickness value should be set in the T0 field on the TMIN continuation line in the DTPL Bulk Data Entry.
hmtoggle_plus1Error 2795: 32-bit Integer Overflow

Description: This error can occur in a run with 32-bit integer overflow.

Suggestions for Resolution

1.Activate the 64-bit long integer solver using PARAM,I64SLV,YES or the –i64slv run option.
2.If the MUMPS solver is used, try different ordering methods in the ORDM field on the SOLVTYP Bulk Data Entry.
hmtoggle_plus1Error 3002: The first point (X1,Y1) specified on the TABLES1 entry is not located at the origin

Description: This error can occur in a run wherein the TABLES1 entry, that does not begin at the origin is referenced by a MATS1 Bulk Data Entry on the TID field, and if the TYPSTRN field on the MATS1 entry is set to 0.

Suggestions for Resolution

1.The TYPSTRN=0 setting indicates that the TID curve on TABLES1 entry defines the stress-strain curve in terms of the total strain. However, the TABLES1 entry does not start at the origin, which corresponds to plastic strain definition. Therefore, you can set the TYPSTRN field equal to 1, which utilizes the plastic strain based data for MATS1.
2.If you want to use total strain data instead, then use a minimum of three data-pairs on the TABLES1 entry, with one entry beginning at the origin.
hmtoggle_plus1Error 3016: Only two pairs of data on TABLES1 Bulk Data Entry. The minimum number of entries is 3.

Description: This error can occur in a run wherein the TABLES1 entry, containing less than 3 data pairs, is referenced by a MATS1 Bulk Data Entry on the TID field, and if the TYPSTRN field on the MATS1 entry is set to 0.  

Suggestions for Resolution

1.The TYPSTRN=0 setting indicates that the TID curve on TABLES1 entry defines the stress-strain curve in terms of the total strain. However, the TABLES1 entry defines only two pairs of data, which corresponds to plastic strain. Therefore, you can set the TYPSTRN field equal to 1, which utilizes the plastic strain based data for MATS1.
2.If you want to use total strain data instead, then use a minimum of three data-pairs on the TABLES1 entry.
hmtoggle_plus1Error: Programming Error - Generic

Number: Generic

Description: This error occurs if there is a Programming Error in OptiStruct.

Suggestions for Resolution

1.Contact OptiStruct support at ossupport@altair.com