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/FAIL/CHANG - Chang Failure Model


Describes the Chang failure model.




















Optional line:


















hmtoggle_plus1Flag Definition



SI Unit Example


Material identifier

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)



Optional unit identifier

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)


Longitudinal tensile strength

Default = 1030  (Real)


Transverse tensile strength

Default = 1030  (Real)


Shear strength

Default = 1030  (Real)


Longitudinal compressive strength

Default = 1030  (Real)


Transverse compressive strength

Default = 1030  (Real)



Shear scaling factor

Default = 0  (Real)


Dynamic time relaxation (Comment 7)

Default = 1030  (Real)



Shell failure model flag

Default = 1  (Integer)

= 1: Shell is deleted, if damage is reached for fiber or matrix for one layer.

= 2: Shell is deleted, if damage is reached for fiber or matrix for all layers of shell.

= 3: Shell is deleted, if damage is reached only for one fiber layer of shell.

= 4: Shell is deleted, if damage is reached for all fiber layers of shell.



(Optional) Failure criteria identifier (Comment 6)

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)


1.This failure model is available for shell only.
2.Where one is the fiber direction. The failure criteria for fiber breakage is written as:

Tensile fiber mode:

Compressive fiber mode:

3.For matrix cracking, the failure criteria is:

Tensile matrix mode:

Compressive matrix mode:

4.If the damage parameter , or the stresses are decreased by using an exponential function to avoid numerical instabilities. A relaxation technique is used by decreasing the stress gradually:



t is the time,

tr is the start time of relaxation when the damage criteria is assumed,

is the time of dynamic relaxation,

is the stress components at the beginning of damage.

5.The damage value, D is 0 < D < 1. The status for fracture is:
Free, if 0 < D < 1
Failure, if D =1

with . This damage value shows with /ANIM/SHELL/DAMA.

6.The fail_ID is used with /STATE/SHELL/FAIL and /INISHE/FAIL for shell. There is no default value. If the line is blank, no value will be output for failure model variables in the /INIBRI/FAIL (written in .sta file with /STATE/BRICK/FAIL for brick and with /STATE/SHELL/FAIL for shell).
7.The value of determines a period of time after failure criterion is reached when the stress in failed element is gradually reduced to zero, then the element is deleted. This is necessary to avoid instability coming from a sudden element deletion and failure "chain reaction" in the neighboring elements. With this value, elements will not be deleted, even if the failure criterion is reached. Normal value of is 10 times higher than the actual times step should be set in the card directly.