This happens when solid elements are very deformed and their characteristic length goes to 0. You may notice the time step of the element written into the message drops down in the output file before this error message appears. For large strain formulation, the time step of an element goes to 0 when the element is compressed. In a mathematical way, the element can not reverse its orientation since its stiffness increases to an infinite value; but due to numerical accuracy, the element may go to reverse its orientation. In order to solve the problem of both the drop in cycle time step and subsequent termination of the run due to a negative volume, you might first check that the material used is well-suited to the physics which is represented. Then switch the elements to small strain formulation. This is done as follows: In RADIOSS Starter input file (Runname_0000.rad), use Ismstr =2 in the solid property or in the option /DEF_SOLID; in RADIOSS Engine file (Runname_0001.rad) use the option /DT/BRICK/CST which will set the time step value This means that the solid elements using Ismstr =2 will use large strain formulation while their time step remains greater than Their volume will then remain constant and the element can even reverse its orientation. The drop of their time step normally stops except for some materials, especially viscous materials. |