It is recommend to use MinGW 4.9.2. After installing MinGW 4.9.2 successfully, open the Run terminal. Type gcc –v or gfortran –v to check the MinGW version. Message indicates a successful installation of the freeware win64 Fortran compiler. |
Copy the Starter file lecm29.f and the Engine file sigeps29c.f to your working directory. Example: D:\99_temp\User_Subroutine_example. You can also use a script to compile. For example, create the script script.bat. Inside this file define the environment first and then define the compile command. Note: Here win64_gfortran is used, but you also need to use build_userlib_win64_gfortran.bat. In your working direction, launch your script script.bat. After successfully compiling the Starter and Engine (figure), the libraduser_win64.dll file will display in your working direction. |
In order to import your user material (example: /MAT/USER2) to HyperCrash, follow this installation procedure:
HIERARCHY { KEYWORD = MAT_ELASTO_PLASTIC_LAW30; TITLE = "Mat User2 (30)"; FILE = "MAT/Mat_User2.cfg"; SUBTYPE = USER; USER_ID = 30; USER_NAMES = (LAW30,USER2); } KEYWORD = MAT_ELASTO_PLASTIC_LAW30; determines where the configured law will be organized in the menu when creating a new material law in the Materials panel. TITLE = "Mat User2 (30)"; determines what the configured law will be named in the menu when creating a new material law in the Materials panel. |
Copy the libraduser_win64.dll file to the same directory where the RADIOSS model is located. For example, if the RADIOSS model is in D:\99_temp\User_Subroutine_example\RADIOSS_RUN, the libraduser_win64.dll file needs to be copied to this directory. Now launch the Starter and Engine. For example, here the RADIOSS model is run with V14.0 SPM: ./ s_14.0_win64.exe -i main_TEST4_0000.rad ./ e_14.0_win64.exe -i main_TEST4_0001.rad |