/IMPL/BUCKL/1 - Euler Buckling Solution
Euler buckling modes will be computed.
Data |
Description |
V1, V2 |
Eigenvalue range of interest (see Comment 2). (Real) |
Nbuck |
Number of modes to be computed. (Integer > 0) |
Diagnostic (printout) level (Integer Range: [0;4]) |
Number of vectors in block or set (Integer Range: [0;16]) = 0: set to 8 |
Shift in buckling modes pencil = 0: set to 1.e-2 |
1. | Computation of Euler buckling modes follows a linear implicit computation. /IMPL/LINEAR must be defined. |
3. | Eigenvalues are found in order of increasing magnitude; that is, those closest to zero are found first. Different V1 and V2 inputs show the ranges in the following table: |
V1 |
V2 |
[V1,V2] (V1 < V2) |
0. |
V2 |
Lowest Nbuck roots below V2 |
V1 |
0. |
[V1,+ |
0. |
0. |
[- |
4. | Only version SMP MONOPROC is available using BCSLIB-EXT (Lanczos method). |
5. | MSGLVL controls the amount of diagnostic output during the eigenvalue extraction. The default value of zero suppresses all diagnostic output. A value of one prints eigenvalues accepted at each shift. High values result in increasing levels of diagnostic output. |
6. | MAXSET is used to limit the maximum block size in the Lanczos solver. It may be reduced if there is insufficient memory available. The default value is recommended. |
7. | A specification of SHFCL near the first factor of critical loading may improve the performance, especially when the applied load differs from the first buckling load by orders of magnitude. |
See Also: