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I/O Options Entry

OUTFILE - Filename Definition


The OUTFILE command is used in the I/O Options section to define the prefix for the results files output.


OUTFILE = option





<file prefix>

Default = passed in from the command line.

file prefix: The path to and file prefix used for the results files output.


1.Prefixes specified on the OUTFILE card can be arbitrary file prefixes with optional paths appropriate to the operating system (Windows or UNIX). They may be enclosed in quotes (double or single quotes can be used), and either forward slash (/) or back slash (\) characters can be used to separate parts of the path name.

The following rules are used for the OUTFILE card:

When the argument contains an absolute path of the file (if it starts with "/" on UNIX or a drive letter, such as "D:", on Windows, for example), output files are created at the given location.
When only the file prefix is given (without the path), output files will be created in the current directory, meaning the directory from which the solver has been executed, and not in the directory where the input file is located.
When the argument contains a relative path (../filename or sub/filename, for example), output is created in a directory relative to where the solver is executed and NOT relative to the directory where the input file is located.
2.The total length of information on this card is limited to 200 characters (including the card name and spaces between arguments). This data can be on a single line or span multiple continuation lines. See Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries for an example showing how to enter long file names on multiple lines.

See Also:

I/O Options Section

I/O Options by Function

The Input File