HyperWorks Solvers

Parameters: Linear Solver

Parameters: Linear Solver

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Parameters: Linear Solver

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Command Element


Modifies a linear parameter element.



  [ anim_scale          = "real"   ]

  [ write_simulinkmdl   = { "YES" | "NO" } ]

  [ write_matlabfiles   = { "YES" | "NO" } ]

  [ write_eig_info      = { "YES" | "NO" } ]

  [ write_energy_dist   = { "YES" | "NO" } ]

  [ pinput_id           = "integer"       ]

  [ poutput_id          = "integer"       ]

  [ disable_damping     = { “TRUE” | “FALSE” } ]




Modifies a scale factor for magnifying the mode shapes during animation.  The default is anim_scale = 1.0


Modifies whether the A, B, C,and D matrices that are calculated are to be written out in Simulink MDL format or not.  Select from YES and NO.  The default is write_simulinkmdl = YES.


Modifies whether the A,B,C,and D matrices that are calculated are to be written out into a file that can be read in by MATLAB.  Select from YES and NO.  The default is write_matlabfiles = YES.


Modifies whether the eigenvalue and eigenvector data is written to a .eig file.  Select from YES and NO.  The default is write_eig_info = YES.


Modifies whether the modal kinetic energy distribution is written out to the solver log file and the *_linz.mrf output file.  Select from YES and NO.

The default is write_energy_dist = NO.


Modifies the plant input ID used for the B and D state matrices.  Can be optionally used with the write_matlabfile and/or write_simulinkmdl option.


Modifies the plant output ID used for the C and D state matrices.  Can be optionally used with the write_matlabfile and/or write_simulinkmdl option.


Modifies whether the linearization solver should disable damping from all force elements for the eigenvalue solution.

The default is FALSE; damping will be considered for the eigenvalue solution.


1.Param_Linear element controls settings for Linearization simulation type. This simulation provides the following information about the model:
Matrices A, B, C and D are written in MATLAB format in four separate files with extensions .a, .b, .c and .d respectively.
The state space form linear system is written in Simulink format in an MDL file
States selected for linearization are written out to MotionSolve .log file.
Eigenvalues are written to the .eig file
One MRF file is written per eigenvector.  It is used for mode shape animation in conjunction with the MotionView model MDL file.  Note that this is a different file than the Simulink MDL file.
If inputs and outputs are defined using Control_PlantInput and Control_PlantOutput elements, respectively, then the state space description of the plant is computed as follows:


Otherwise, only the eigensolution is performed.



    anim_scale          = "1."

    write_simulinkmdl   = ”NO”

    write_matlabfiles   = ”NO”

    write_eig_info      = "YES"

    write_energy_dist   = "YES"


See Also:





Command Statements

Model Statements


Notation and Syntax