Block Format Keyword
/RANDOM - Nodal Random Noise
Describes the nodal random noise to check stability of model by introducing random noise on nodal coordinates.
/RANDOM/unit_ID or
Optional node group identifier (defined only if the keyword GRNOD is set)
Optional unit identifier
(Integer, maximum 10 digits)
Maximum nodal random noise
Range: [0, + ] (Real)
Seed of random noise
Range: [0, 1] (Real)
1. | Xalea is the maximum magnitude of generic random noise applied to specified nodes coordinates (any direction). The modified coordinate = original one + Xalea * random number defined by RADIOSS (random number is defined between 0 and 1). |
2. | Seed is a Real corresponding to the value used to initialize random number generation that should be set between 0 and 1 (1 excluded) for sensitivity analysis or model robustness investigation purpose. |
3. | If the Ipri flag defined in /IOFLAG option has a value greater than or equal to 4, the output log file will contain a listing of new node coordinates. |
4. | Two computations with the same values for Xalea and Seed will lead exactly to the same results. |
5. | If a plain /RANDOM option is used (without GRNOD keyword), the random noise is applied to all nodes. When present, it should be defined only once and be the only random noise option. |
6. | The /RANDOM/GRNOD definition is optional and allows to specify a node group affected by random noise. Multiple random noise groups may be defined; however, if one or more /RANDOM/GRNOD blocks are present, the random noise is applied only to the specified node groups, regardless if a plain /RANDOM option is present or not. |
7. | Several definitions with groups containing common nodes are allowed, but the randomization of coordinates will be applied more than once for these nodes. |