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Strain Results Written in HyperView .h3d Format

Strain Results Written in HyperView .h3d Format

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Strain Results Written in HyperView .h3d Format

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1D Elements

ALL, DIRECT and TENSOR options

Von Mises Strain

CELAS Strain

CROD Axial Strain

CBAR Longitudinal Strain SAC

CBAR Longitudinal Strain SAD

CBAR Longitudinal Strain SAE

CBAR Longitudinal Strain SAF

CBAR Longitudinal Strain SAMIN

CBAR Longitudinal Strain SAMAX

CBAR Longitudinal Strain SBC

CBAR Longitudinal Strain SBD

CBAR Longitudinal Strain SBE

CBAR Longitudinal Strain SBF

CBAR Longitudinal Strain SBMIN

CBAR Longitudinal Strain SBMAX

CWELD Axial Strain

CWELD Maximum Strain A

CWELD Minimum Strain A

CWELD Maximum Strain B

CWELD Minimum Strain B

CWELD Maximum Shear Strain


VON and PRINC options

Von Mises Strain


The following strain results are output for CBAR/CBEAM elements defined via PBARL/PBEAML property entries. The Result type: HyperView is CBAR/CBEAM Strains (<TYPE>), where the <TYPE> entry is based on the selected cross-section (TYPE/NAME field) on the PBARL/PBEAML entries. The element strain results can be reviewed for each cross-section type, corresponding evaluation point, at element ends (A or B). The maximum normal/shear/von Mises strains can also be reviewed.



-CBAR/CBEAM Strains (<Type>)


<Strain Result Output> <evaluation point> (A/B)




<Type> = BAR, BOX, BOX1, CHAN, CHAN1, CHAN2, CROSS, H, HAT, I, I1, ROD, T, T1, T2, TUBE, Z.

<Strain Result Output> = normal, shear, and von Mises

<evaluation point> = evaluation point of the element





Normal S1N(A)

Normal S1N(B)

Shear S4S(A)

Shear S4S(B)

von Mises S8V(A)

von Mises S8V(B)


Example descriptions

Normal S3N(B):  normal strain at the 3rd evaluation point of the beam element (end B);

Shear S6S(A):  shear strain at the 6th evaluation point of the beam element (end A);

von Mises S5V(B):  von Mises strain at the 5th evaluation point of the beam element (end B).

Review evaluation points via: DRESP1 - Static Strain Item Codes for Bar Elements using PBARL, PBEAML Properties

The von Mises strains for all CBEAM/CBAR elements with PBARL/PBEAML properties at the same time can be output using the Result type: CBAR/CBEAM vonMises Strains.



-CBAR/CBEAM vonMises Strains


<Strain Result Output>




<Strain Result Output> = Von Mises

2D Elements

ALL and TENSOR options

Results are calculated by HyperView.


DIRECT option

Von Mises Strain

Maximum Principal Strain

Von Mises Strain (Z1)

Von Mises Strain (Z2)

Von Mises Strain (mid)

P1 (major) Strain (Z1)

P1 (major) Strain (Z2)

P1 (major) Strain (mid)

P3 (minor) Strain (Z1)

P3 (minor) Strain (Z2)

P3 (minor) Strain (mid)

Normal X Strain (Z1)

Normal X Strain (Z2)

Normal X Strain (mid)

Normal Y Strain (Z1)

Normal Y Strain (Z2)

Normal Y Strain (mid)

Shear XY Strain (Z1)

Shear XY Strain (Z2)

Shear XY Strain (mid)

Principal Strain Angle (Z1)

Principal Strain Angle (Z2)

Principal Strain Angle (mid)


VON option

Von Mises Strain - This is equal to max[Von Mises Strain (Z1), Von Mises Strain (Z2)]


PRINC option

Von Mises Strain

Maximum Principal Strain


3D Elements

ALL and TENSOR options

Results are calculated by HyperView.


DIRECT option

Von Mises Strain

Signed Von Mises Strain

P1 (major) Strain (solid)

P2 (mid) Strain (solid)

P3 (minor) Strain (solid)

Normal X Strain (solid)

Normal Y Strain (solid)

Normal Z Strain (solid)

Shear XY Strain (solid)

Shear YZ Strain (solid)

Shear XZ Strain (solid)


VON option

Von Mises Strain


PRINC option

Von Mises Strain

Maximum Principal Strain



1.In the TENSOR mode, pass tensor components to HyperView which then calculates derived results on-the-fly.
2.For frequency response loadcases, only the TENSOR mode is available.