Block Format Keyword
/TH/ACCEL - Time History - Accelerometer
Describes the time history for accelerometers.
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
/TH/ACCEL/thgroup_ID |
thgroup_name |
var_ID1 |
var_ID2 |
var_ID3 |
var_ID4 |
var_ID5 |
var_ID6 |
var_ID7 |
var_ID8 |
var_ID9 |
var_ID10 |
Obj_ID1 |
Obj_ID2 |
Obj_ID3 |
Obj_ID4 |
Obj_ID5 |
Obj_ID6 |
Obj_ID7 |
Obj_ID8 |
Obj_ID9 |
Obj_ID10 |
Let Let R(t) the orientation matrix of the skew at time t, so that: Derivating vs versus time leads to: This shows that derivating the nodal velocity with laboratory projected onto the moving skew, vs does not give as a result the nodal acceleration with laboratory projected onto the moving skew, The vector WX, WY, and WZ available for output in the accelerometer is the following: Derivating to this output will give a value of |
In the first table, TH-variables are listed. If a TH-variable is requested, this variable is written. In the second table, variable groups are listed. If a variable group is requested, all the associated TH-variables are written at once. |