::hwat::io::ReadMWF - Read the MWF and create return formatted list for processing.
::hwat::io::ReadMWF str_weldFileLocation
str_weldFileLocation |
The MWF file’s whole path. |
Formatted data list on success -> {str_id {thickness n_thick x d_x y d_y z d_z i d_i j d_j k d_k pidList {str_pidList}}}
{} on failure
::hwat::utils:: ReadMWF /homes/software/weldFile.txt
The format of the file being read is as follows –
#Point Id:: T:: X:: Y:: Z:: I:: J:: K:: PID1:: PID2:: PID3:: PID4::
{1 {thickness 2 x 99.3 y 234.23 z 456.0 i 0.0 j 1.0 k 0.0 pidList {6004 6005}} \
2 {thickness 0 x 99.3 y 234.23 z 456.0 i 0.0 j 1.0 k 0.0 pidList {}} \
3 {thickness 3 x 99.3 y 234.23 z 456.0 i 0.0 j 1.0 k 0.0 pidList {6004 6005 6007}}}