::hwat::io::URLBrowse - Launches the dialog which has tree populated with files from the given URL(s).
::hwat::io::URLBrowse str_fileTypesList str_URLList
Str_fileTypesList |
List of file types and extensions. |
Str_URLList |
[optional] interlaced list. |
Filename for selected file or null.
::hwat::io::URLBrowse [list {{XML Files} {"*.xml"}} {{All Files} *}] [list Local {url C:/TestModels/demoXML phost {} pport {}} Remote-Dearborn {url http://troy-www:8080/~lmv/help_02 phost {} pport {}} ]
This function brings up the URL dialog which has tree populated with local and URL based filenames.
If a non-local file is selected, it is first downloaded into a scratch file and the path to the scratch file is returned (not the URL to the original file).