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hwtk::buttonbox - Contaner widget which manages buttons.



Manages a framed area with Motif style buttons. The button box can be configured either horizontally or vertically.




::hwtk::widget::HWButtonbox::hwtk::interface::HWIWidget::hwtk::interface::HWIBase::itk::Archetypedigraph HWButtonbox { layout = "dot"; rankdir = LR; ratio = "compress"; edge [color="#333333"] node [shape=rect, style="rounded,filled", fontname="sans-serif, serif", color="#000000", fillcolor="#FCFFF6", penwidth=0.5]; Archetype [label="Archetype", fillcolor="#FFF5FF", tooltip="::itk::Archetype", URL="../_auto/architecture.html"]; HWIBase [label="HWIBase", fillcolor="#E0FFFF", tooltip="::hwtk::interface::HWIBase", ]; HWIWidget [label="HWIWidget", fillcolor="#E0FFFF", tooltip="::hwtk::interface::HWIWidget", ]; HWButtonbox [label="HWButtonbox", fillcolor="#FFEAD8", tooltip="::hwtk::widget::HWButtonbox", URL="buttonbox.html"]; Archetype -> HWIBase; HWIBase -> HWIWidget; HWIWidget -> HWButtonbox; }


hwtk::buttonbox - pathName ?option value? ...



-clientdata, clientData, ClientData

-help, help, Text

-helpcommand, helpcommand, Command



Command-Line Name: -orient

Database Name: orient

Database Class: Orient

Specifies the orientation whether the widget should be laid out horizontally or vertically. Must be either horizontal or vertical or an abbreviation of one of these. Default is horizontal.



In addition to the standard configure, cget, identify, instate, and state commands, buttonbox support the following additional widget commands:


pathName add tag ?arg arg ...?

Adds buttons to the buttonbox container with additional button options. See OPTIONS in the ::hwtk::button help section for valid button options.


pathName buttoncget index option

Gets information about a specified button of the buttonbox container. Where index is the button’s named tag from the add command, default or end. See Validation Options for more information.


pathName buttonconfigure index ?arg arg ...?

Configures attributes for a specified button of the buttonbox container. Where index is the button’s named tag from the add command, default or end. See Validation Options for more information.


pathName buttonlist ?all?

If used without any arguments, returns a list of all shown buttons. If the argument all is used then all buttons both shown and hidden are returned.


pathName component ?name?

Returns the components of the buttonbox container if no name is specified. If a name is specified, then it returns the path to that component of the container.


pathName default ?index?

The default button is the button that gets invoked when the user presses <Enter>. depending on the theme, the default button may be displayed with an extra highlight ring, or with a different border color. If no index is specified, it returns the currently assigned default button. If an index is specifed, then that button will be set to the current default.


pathName delete tag

Deletes the button given by tag from the buttonbox container and from memory.


pathName exists tag

Checks for existance of a button given by tag in the buttonbox container.


pathName hide index

Hides the button given by index, where index is the button’s named tag from the add command, default or end. Unlike the delete command, the button still exists in memory.


pathName insert index tag ?arg arg ...?

Creates and inserts a new button into the buttonbox container where tag is button to be newly created and inserted. Index is the named index of an already existing button in the container. See OPTIONS in the ::hwtk::button help section for valid button options.


pathName invoke tag

Invokes the script assigned to the button given by tag.


pathName show index

Shows an already existing buttonbox button given by index, where index is the button’s named tag from the add command, default or end which has been previously hidden.



::hwtk::dialog .d -title "::hwtk::buttonbox"

set bb [hwtk::buttonbox [.d recess].bb -orient vertical]

foreach but {One Two Three} {

  $bb add $but -text $but -command "puts /"button $but invoked/"" -help "Button $but added."


pack $bb

.d post
